Chapter 18

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The Home of the Marshall family. August 26th 1965.

A few days after the time spent with the police, Kathy was startled when her parents came into her room. They wanted to talk about her current 'situation' as they referred to her now.

"Your dad and I have been talking love," her mother began slowly.

"What about?" Kathy felt uneasy, but didn't know why.

"Well, about you," her mother continued, "and the best way in which we can deal with things and still be respectable."


"Yes. We have to bear in mind your father's standing in the diocese." Her mother looked surprised at Kathy's expression. "A pregnant unmarried daughter is just not done Kathy. I'm sorry."

Kathy looked from her mother to her father is disbelief. "Is this a joke?" she said suddenly, "Because if it is, it's not funny!"

"I've spoken to someone I know kathy, " her father explained very solemly, "I've managed to secure you a place in a home for unmarried mothers. You can stay there until the baby is born. It will be adopted and then you can come back and forget all this nonsense."

"WHOA! Wait a minute! I'm not having this baby adopted. I've already told you, if I have to go through the whole pregancy and birth, then I want to keep it!"

"Kathy. This thing inside you will be a constant reminder of what George did to you!"

"Dad?" Kathy sounded almost weary, "What George did to me will NEVER go away. You can't make the fact that I've been raped just vanish, no matther how uncomfortable it makes you feel!" She threw in the final comment after seeing her father cringe when she had said the word 'raped.' She looked at both her parents, fighting back tears and unable to believe they could be so insensitive to her feelings. "I'm hoping that this child, who will be YOUR grandchild, will help me to move on from what has happened. I see it as being something positive and good to come out of the whole situation! An innocent little baby."

"An innocent little baby conceived in violence Kathy. Even the Bible says that is wrong!"

She stood up. "Mum, dad, I'm twenty two years old. I'm not some kid of sixteen falling pregnant. I'm educated. I have a well paid job. You can not force me to go into a home for unmarried mothers nor can you force me to have my child adopted! It's 1965 NOT 1865!"

"And just explain then," said her father, now beginning to be angry, "explain how you are going to tell your headteacher that you are pregnant even though you are not married. And should he decide to keep you on despite your 'condition', just how are you going to support yourself? Where will you live? How will you cope as your pregnancy become more obvious? What happens when you go in to labour?" He saw how Kathy's face changed. "Mmmm, I thought not! None of this has occured to you has it Kathy?"

"Why can't I stay here?" she pleaded. "You're my parents! Mum, please. Will you look after me? Be with me when I give birth? Please?"

Her mother blinked back tears. "I can't Kathy. I have to support your dad on this. I'm sorry. The home for unmarried mothers is the best option. If you want to keep the child with you for a few months afterwards, to see if you can cope, then that's up to you. There's nothing to say you can't try then have the baby adopted later on."

"So you want me out. Gone?"

Her mother nodded. "It's not right for your dad's position love...unless...."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you forgive George for what has happened. Put it behind you both and get married like you both wanted to do. That way Kathy, you will be saved the disgrace of being an unmarried mother and your child won't have the stigma of being a bastard!"

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