Chapter 19

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 Although still hurt that the GP had spoken to the police without her permission, Kathy had been forced to see her doctor for advice. She hoped against hope that someone could help her. Afterall, she couldn't be the only woman who found herself in these circumstances! However,  apart from expressing her concern at Kathy's desire to keep her child, stating that often women in her situation reacted badly to seeing the baby after the way it had been conceived, she proved to be useless. Kathy was a determined woman. She was rapidly beginning to realise there was no one to support women in her situation and it frightened her. The weeks had passed quickly. By late September Kathy was no further forward. Her pregnancy was now a banned topic at home. She was desperate.

 One morning, after much thinking and a long, lonely sleepless night, she decided her only option was to try to contact George. Maybe he would consider helping her financially until her baby was old enough to be looked after and she could find a new job? He had to face the fact that he had responsibilities for the child, if nothing else. However, her next hurdle was how to contact him? She had no idea where he was. Swallowing her pride, she sat down and wrote what was probably one of the most difficult letters in her life.

 "Dear Brian,

John has explained to me how hard the situation concerning George and I has hit you. So I know I'm probably the last person in the world you want to hear from right now. However, I really do promise you that I did not report what George did to the police. Nor I did not want to press any charges. The police have told me that George himself confessed to to what he did. That he's pushed for charges to be brought. Brian, I know you are a kind and considerate man. And I hope that you will be able to see beyond your anger towards me and be of some help.  I am in a desperate situation and I have nowhere or no one left to turn to for help except you.

 Brian please, I need to contact George but I do not know where he is. The police say that I am not allowed to contact him or his family. The reason I need to contact him is URGENT! A few weeks ago I was told, that, as a direct result of what George did to me, I am now pregnant. My parents are appalled and are trying to send me to a home for unmarried mothers and then force me to have my child adopted. I don't want this Brian. I'm not ashamed of my situation, I am a victim of it. All I want is to be able keep my child. I want and need to feel something positive can come from this whole mess.

 My parents now want me to move out of the family home. The fact that I am now pregnant has meant that issue of rape and the support they initally gave me, has all but been forgotten. My parents are solely concerned with ensuring that they are seen as respectable. And a pregnant, unmarried daughter of a clergyman is NOT respectable! I'm sure you can understand that.  So in order to prevent my parents from getting their way and loose my child, I need somewhere to live urgently. Unfortunately, I have been dismissed from my job as a teacher because of my pregnancy so I am also in a financial mess. Even if I could find work before the baby is born, there will become a point when I will be unable to work. It is truely my last resort that I need to ask for George to help us both. To give me some financial stability just for the period of time before and after having the baby when I am unable to work. I will also need some help with childcare costs once my child is old enough to be cared for and I can return to work full time. Once I have myself in a settled financia position then I will ensure George no longer needs to support us and cut all ties. I will endevour to ensure all this remains away from public domain. I would never EVER contact the press regarding any aspect of this. For myself as well as for George.

 Please, Please can you help me? Brian, I am quite literally begging you to contact George on my behalf. PLEASE! I don't want my baby to be taken from me. Already  I love him or her, despite how it came to be.

 I have included a letter for George too. To explain my situation. I have left the envelope open in case it needs to be checked by anyone.

 Thank you Brian, in anticipation of your help.

 Kathryn Marshall."

She reread the letter several times then put it to one side. Picking up a second piece of paper, she paused. How could she write to George and tell him the news of her pregnancy? He would be devastated that she was on her own, and how her parents were reacting, she knew that. Staring in to space, she realised she still had a picture of him on her desk. Strangely, when she looked at it now, she didn't see the monster that had caused her so much pain and distress. Now she just saw him. The good looking young man who was smiling down at the woman whom he was stood with,  his arms around her waist. They were both laughing at whoever was taking the photograph and looking so hopeful. They were SO full of the dreams of a future together she remembered. He was 'her George' least, that was what he had been until that evening. Sighing, she picked up her pen and began to write.

 "Dear George,

I have had to pass this letter to you via Brian because I don't know where you are. Also, the police have said I'm not allowed to talk to you directly.

 I have some difficult news for you George. When I was examined by a doctor after what happened that night, it was explained to me how there was a risk that I could conceive. I had to wait for a set number of days before a pregnancy test to could be carried out. I was horrified to be told that my test was positive.  After a period of time though, I've begun to feel that being pregnant isn't as bad as it could be. I want my baby despite the way it came to be. But I've got to fight for that right. My parents want to send me to a home for unmarried mothers and then have the child adopted. I don't want that George. I feel as though something as wonderful as an innocent baby can help me move on from what has happened. I genuinely also feel that this could very easily be my only opportunity to be a mother. I know there are not many men out there who would willingly take on another man's child. Especially one conceived through violence

Please George. I need your help. I wouldn't ask this of you unless I was desperate! You are my last resort to save my baby from being taken from me! My parents want me out of the house before my preganacy is obvious. They feel it is disrespectful for me, the unmarried daughter of a clergyman, to live there in my 'condition'. I have been sacked from my job as a teacher for the same reason. I will have nowhere to live from the start of 1966. The only way I can keep my baby is if you would be willing to give me some financial help. I don't mean forever George, just for a few months, possibly up to a year. I hope to find a job doing anything, at least so I can work for as long as possible before the baby comes. Then, I want to return to work as a teacher once my baby is old enough to be looked after by someone else. I've already decided I want to move right away from Manchester to a fresh start. I have my grandmother's wedding ring which I intend to wear, using the story that my husband has died. That way my child will not have to grow up with the stigma of being illegitimate.

I hope you are Ok where ever you are George. I don't hate you for what you did. I never will. I now know you went to the police and confessed to hurting me. I wish you hadn't! I never wanted you to feel that you had to do that. I never intended to report what happened to the police or press charges against you.

I so wish I could be telling you the news of our baby in a better way or that we could be celebrating it together. Sadly, this is not to be.

Take Care George.




After re - reading it once, she placed both letters into an envelope. Immediately she walked down the road to post them, in case she changed her mind. As she heard them land with a gentle 'plap' in the post box, she closed her eyes and prayed that some where George would receive this and be willing to help her.

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