chapter 3

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V and jimin took turns to spy on jin and suga for a week, but they didn't notice anything wrong.

Jin woke up early every day, took a shower, prepared the breakfast, opened the inn, woke suga up, who in turn ate his food, went to the market, bought groceries, helped jin cleaning the inn, prepare lunch, talk to the customer, prepare dinner, then jin took a shower and slept while suga went to the market, cleaned the inn and the dishes, took a shower then slept.

Nothing wrong, no changes in routine, even the night that the prince snuck into the castle jin and suga were sleeping in their bed, no one left the inn and no one entered it.

Today the group gathered in v and jimin's room. They were bored, and didn't have a mission.

Jimin: "nothing new; everyone loves them, even strangers and tourists like them".

V:" they are friendly, we even help them sometimes, and they give us dinner in exchange for that".

Kook:" I wish I can help them".

J-hope:" no you can't, you are the prince, think about your position ".

Kook:" there is nothing wrong to help in doing some chores, because my people will see me taking care of them".

Namjoon:" you are unique prince, if the queen was alive, she will be proud of you, you look so much like her".

They heard a knock on the door, so jimin opened it.

Jimin:" jin hyung, welcome".

Jin:" I'm sorry, but we need help downstairs, and I didn't who to ask, I hope you aren't busy?".

Jimin:" oh, no, we can help you, even kooki, sorry, his highness wanted to help too, he is feeling bored".

Jin:" really?! Thank you so much! In return, lunch will be on the house".

V:" two min and we will be there".

Jin left in hurry, while v and jimin and kooki winked at J-hope and namjoon.

J-hope:" don't worry, I am sure namjoon will sleep while you are working. Take care."

Namjoon was very tired, he didn't think that the commander has such an exhausting work all day, so he didn't take a break for while, and wasn't gonna let this chance for a vacation slip.

Namjoon immediately fell asleep while j-hope sat and read a story, slowly falling asleep also next to him.


In the meantime, soldiers and people were surprised to see the young prince working in the inn, so kook felt a little bit shy, but he was happy. Everyone came to the inn to meet him, but he worked patiently, more orders were coming, so suga went to the kitchen and helped jin preparing food, while v, jimin and jongkook took the orders and served people. It was busy day, and they didn't finish till 6 o'clock, and everyone was exhausted, so they were sitting on the table when namjoon and j-hope went down and heard jin's voice:" five minutes and the food will be ready".

Everyone gathered around the table, they ate happily. jongKook sat between suga and jin, while namjoon sat between jin and j-hope with v and jimin sitting next to them.

Jin gave kook a huge piece of meat thanking him for his hard work, so kook gave him a huge smile and ate it with the appetizers.

After dinner jungkook was already asleep. So jin carried him to an empty room, and put him down on the bed. Then he went back to the others.

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