chapter 13

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The dragon community was living on earth before humans who discover the surface of the earth, and started to build their own communities which spread all over the surface.

Dragons at first they didn't feel any danger from them, but when they noticed that the people were becoming a great threat to their land they wanted to stop them, but they didn't want to fight them because they are peaceful community.

One brave princess was curious to know about humans, so she decided to sneak to one country. While she was in the forest resting near the river, she heard a screaming when she saw a young man and a woman; they were too afraid from her and shouting: "monster, monster."

They ran away from her while she was confused. After a while many men appeared holding torches with their hands and swords or spear. When they saw her, they immediately attacked her, so she ran away, hiding in a very high cave.

The men saw where she went and followed her, but they couldn't reach her, so they set fire to the head of their spears and threw it toward her. This led to burn the mountain while the princess was trapped in the cave. The nature was angry, so a huge storm head toward the forest. The wind blew and dissipated men, while a heavy rain fell to put out the fire, giving the chance for the princess to fly away returning to her castle.

She was lucky no one saw her, but she was more curious to know why they attacked her, at the same time she was afraid from them.

After a few days, the elder dragons summoned all the royal families in the kingdoms.

One of the elders said: "the human are threatening our community, the last few days they were searching the nearby forests, burning some of it, destroying the nature."

Other one said: "they are becoming too close to us, and we can't let them get closer, we sense danger from them."

One of the kings: "Humans are weak creatures, they are not a threat."

Other king: "but they create weapons that destroy the forests."

Everyone was talking, the hall field with a lot of discussions. Until one of the elders silence them.

The head o the elders: "I had a vision, our community is in danger, I saw the end of the dragons."

"That's impossible", "no way", and a lot other commands was heard.

The head silent them continuing: "we are gathering here to take a decision about the human, what do you suggest?"

One of the kings said: "we need time to think. This is the first time we been in this condition."

Other king said: "we can defend ourselves, but we can't fight them."

And other suggestion was given, while the princess was silent, listening to every conversation, she felt embarrassed of herself, because she is the reason while humans are here.

She stood up, and said: "we can make a deal with them; we can live alongside each other."

A prince stand up: "that's crazy, how can we communicate with them, they will attack us, and kill us, because they afraid from everything is different from them, did you hear the rumors about how human attack one of the dragons, my lady."

The princess remembered how she could get away from that situation, then she turned to the eldest: "with respect to everyone, let's try to talk to them."

The prince said: "how? They will kill us immediately after they see us."

The princess thought a little bit: "I have an idea."

Then she transferred into a beautiful little lady.

Everyone was shocked to see her, they started to murmur, but she cut them: "if the elders allowed me, I can communicate with them, I studied them for many months, I was watching them every day."

The prince said: "does that mean you already break the rules."

The princess replied: "there's no rule forbid us to watch the other creatures, I memorize every rule, and none is related to human."

The prince: "because it is the first time we saw them."

Everyone in the hall was listening to their conversation, but before the princess replied, her father said: "that's right; we can communicate with them that what we always we do."

Now everyone was silence, the elders stand up, while one of them said: "the meeting will end for now, we will discuss every solution you gave us, and we will take a decision, which will be announced later."

Everyone dismissed from the hall, while one of the elders stopped the princes asking her: "are you sure you can communicate with them?"

She nodded her head, so the elder said: "let me see what I can do."

In a few hours a decision was taken, the princess will head to the nearest human community to talk with their leader, she will be escorted with retinue.

She was glad to hear the news, but when she recognized one of her escorted she felt uncomfortable, that prince who was against the idea will be with her, but she was the commander, so she can silence him.


Everyone in the country was surprised to see the foreign who entered their country, immediately a small army surrounded them but the princess was quiet, and told her escort to not make any move.

The inspector: "define yourselves."

The princess was the one who talked: "My name is Lia, and I'm a princess, I came in peace, to talk with your president."

The inspector: "What proves what you said?"

Lia: "this box of gold, is a gift for your president, and as you can see, we don't have any weapons."

The inspector, took the box, and opened it: "let me see what I can do, I will talk to our king, the soldiers will escort you to our guest castle, please feel as you are in your home, by the way, I'm Kim Janhoo, it's honor to meet you."

Then he gave his orders, and went to meet the king.


Everyone except the princess was confused, this was the first time to meet human, even if she didn't show her fair, and she was a little bit shaking.

After noon came quickly, Kim Janhoo came to her room escorting her to meet the king.

When the princess entered the royal hall, she bowed to the king, followed by her escorted.

The princess: "It's my honor to meet you your majesty."

The king looked at her, then he said: "this is the first time I see you, can you tell me more about your country."

The princess choose her words carefully: "We came from a very far kingdom."

The king: "Why?"

Lia: "we came in peace to have a contract with you."

The king: "Why? Give me a reason."

Lia: "we heard that you are a great king, a powerful one, and smart, our country is in danger, so we came in order to have a strong ally."

The king: "in return, what will we gain?"

Lia didn't think about this before so she stayed silent, while the king said: "We can have a deal, but under one condition."

Lia looked at the king who continued: "I'm searching for a wife, and you are a very beautiful and wise princess, if you accept my condition, we will sign the contract right now."

This time the dragon prince interrupted the conversation: "your majesty, we can't accept this_"

Lia : "give me till tomorrow morning, and I'll give you my answer."

The dragon prince: "but your highness, we_"

One glare from the princess made the prince shut up.

They bowed to the king and left the hall.

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