chapter 9

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Commander Kim Nam Joon was writing the report about the north kingdom, whose people surrendered to him immediately after entering it. First, he noticed that there are only farmers, old men, children, and women left. Then, he saw that it's surrounded by a huge forest from east to south and the ocean from north to west. Next, the farmers were always alert and frightened by the royals and their environment. Not to mention that all the royal family members are dead. Also, he found the letters between the traitor king and the enemies which contained a lot of important information about the enemy. Last, the kingdom needs a lot of equipments and supplies to be able to survive during the war.

After finishing the report, he sent it to the king kim soonjin, waiting for his commands.

When kim soonjin read the report, he fell deep into his thoughts, trying to find the best way to solve this new problem. Now, he needs to defend the new kingdom.

Kim seokjin: "ken, did you execute the traitor?"

Ken: "not yet your majesty, we are still interrogating him"

Kim seokjin: "great", then he stood up and went to the prison.

Jongkook followed him: "what's on your mind?"

Kim seokjin: "I need him to write a letter to the enemies"

Jongkook: "why?"

Kim seokjin: "you will know later, but I also need your ability".

Jin forced the traitor king to write a letter to his allies telling them that he had won his battle and that he needs reinforcements. Then jungkook wrote a letter to j-hope telling him that he and Jin will be on the road to the emperor to form a new plan, especially now that the enemies will be heading north. In the same time, jin commanded ken to head north with the rest of the army in order to protect the southern kingdom.

On the way to the emperor, while they were riding their horses they met jimin which made them confused.

Jungkook: "jimin –sshi, what brought you here?"

But jimin didn't answer him. Jin saw a killer look in jimin's eyes, he shouted:" step back jungkook, this is not the jimin that you know"

Jungkook said confused: "what do you mean? This is jimin-sshi."

Jimin held his sword up and attacked jungkook, but jin protected him by standing in the way and deflecting the attack.

Jin: "he looks like he's under some kind of hypnotism; try to stop him with your ability."

Jin and jimin had a duel, jin was the winner due to his superior skills, it wasn't difficult for him to tie jimin.

Jin: "jungkook, it's a good opportunity to use your ability you just need to break the hypnotism."

Jungkook: "but I don't know how."

Jin: "you can do it, hold his hand, close your eyes, and try to remember the words that I taught you."

Jung kook did what his brother told him. Moments later the friendly glitter returned to Jimin's eyes.

Jimin: "Jungkook?! Your majesty?! Where am I? How did I come here?"

Jin: "First, how do you feel? Second that's what we wanted to ask you."

Jungkook: "You were hypnotized."

Jimin: "what?! I don't understand! I can't remember anything."

Jin: "calm down, don't worry, you are fine now."

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