chapter 6

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After returning from the other kingdom, jungkook was very silent, didn't leave his room for days, even his friends didn't know what was happening to him, until the king received a letter asking him to join an important meeting. The meeting for the west kingdoms, which was belongs to emperor kim.

The king thought it was a good opportunity for jungkook to learn more, so he took him as an escort.

There was three kings in the meeting. King kim sung man (jungkook father the king of south kingdom), king kim soonjin ( the new king of west kingdom) and king kim seung mee ( the king ofnirth  kingdom ) And the great emperor kim Tong lim.

The silent was controlled on the hall, the three sat next to each other while their escorts stood behind them.

King kim soonjin was covering his face, while jungkook and namjoon recognize his escort suga.

The emperor was talking about the war that will be happening soon and they need to collect the forces to defend the kim empire. King sung man can't trust other kings who tried through the years to kill him and his family, also he couldn't forget the last incident that happened less than month. But emperor orders were absolutely undisputed.

After the meeting, and every king went into different direction to think about next move, namjoon and jungkook where standing outside their king's room, when they sight suga walking alone at the end of the corridor, jungkook hurried toward him shouting his name, which make namjoon to follow him.

Suga:" hello again".

Jungkook:"why are you here?!"

Suga:" the king chose me to be his escort since he doesn't trust anyone".

Namjoon:" why is he hiding his face?"

Suga:"Because he will be in great danger if someone recognises him".

Jungkook:" why?! And where is jin?"

Namjoon interrupted him:" what is doing here? I smell something fishy going on".

Suga smiled and raise his sword:" Oh, now your brain is working, while we are here talking, my king is talking to yours now".

Namjoon and jungkook eyes widen, while suga continued:" no,no,no don't think to go to him, my king doesn't like to be interrupted, and if you try, you need to fight me first".

Namjoon:" you are talking nonsense, we are two great fighters and you are just a doctor".

Suga rise his right eyebrow saying as challenging him:" try me".

Jungkook:" this is nonsense, do you want to start a war now, the emperor already knows about what happened".

Suga:" our king apologized already, and the criminal has been punished and killed to be a warning for others, and now he will apologies again, and make sure they will cooperate even if it means he will sacrifice himself for the future of our kingdoms".

Namjoon": how can we trust him?".

Suga:" because the two kings has something in common".

Jungkook:" what is it?".

Suga puts his sword down and get near jungkook: "they both want to protect the new emperor".

Suga smiled and retreated:" I think both our kings finished talking, so goodbye".

Suga walked through corridors, while namjoon and jungkook hurried back to their king's room thinking about suga's words.


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