chapter 8

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King kim sung man was fighting the enemies in the west. The enemies has a large armada, it was over twenty ship, it was approaching the beach.

Suga was looking through his spyglass, writing informations down when jimin entered with a huge smile on his face.

Suga:" I see you finished your mission".

Jimin:" everything in it place, the divers put the gift in it place as we planned".

Suga:" very good, where is J-hope?".

Jimin:" he is serving the army, and the slingshots , the enemy cannot enter this land".

Suga said while he continued spying:"good".

J-hope entered the control tower and give his report, he noticed that something was bothering suga.

J-hope:" Is everything is alright?".

Suga looked at him, then he said:"I don't think this is the whole enemy's army".

Jimin looked confused:" what do you mean?", he asked.

J-hope:" I agree, maybe there is a trick, and they want to know our strength and weak points"

Suga smiled:" we need to report this to the king".


King sung man was reading the reports, then he asked suga:" what do you think".

Suga:" The emperor's report said that the enemy's army was more than fifty thousand soldier. And what I see there is about three thousands that are coming toward us, and the report said that the enemy's army in north was about seven thousand soldiers".

King sung man:" and ten thousand attacked the empire, that leaves thirty thousand soldiers".

Suga:" we need to put new plans, maybe they are preparing for a big move, but when and where, that's the question".

King kim:" you are really your father son, I am feeling as I am working with him".

Meanwhile they heard explosion, which meant that the enemy was attacking.

Suga hurried to the battle field, and saw that J-hope was controlling the battle. He was giving the orders to fire toward the ships.

J-hope:" A little bit and they will vanish".

Once the ships become closer, explosion was seeing and hearing under the water.

J-hope:" the plan was success, they didn't thought that we put bombs under water,now they are thinking about their new move, after losing half of their ships"

Suga:" they are shooting at us, we need to warn everyone".

J- hope shouted:" fire in the hall, protect yourself".

Yoongi and J-hope watched where the missile was hitting, it hit the beach first, then the walls.

Suga:" they have cannons on the ships, maybe they will attack now".

J-hope shouted:" they are attacking".

But jimin was waiting for them with his archers, they shoot them which make them retreat. Then J- hope shouted fire, and all the mangonel fired, some missile hit its target others failed, but more ships were sinking, which made the other retreat and disappear".

J-hope:" I think we won this battle field, it took us two whole days, great job everyone".

Suga:" yah, lets report this to the king, and prepare to the next step".

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