chapter 14

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After the princess entered her room, the prince seemed angry.

The prince: "you can't accept that offer, the elders will not approve this."

Lia sat on the chair: "they gave me validity to take the suitable decision."

The prince: "there is no proof that they will sign the contract."

Lia: "I believe in my intuition, let me think,we have till tomorrow morning."

A knock on the door was heard, so the dragon prince opened the door.

Kim Janhoo was on the door: "sorry your highness, I didn't know you have a companion."

Lia stand up: "oh, don't worry, we were discussing, and we just finished."

Kim Janhoo: "oh really, I just came to tell you that the king asks if you want to join him for the dinner."

Lia: "that will be my pleasure."

Kim Janhoo said with a big smile: "the dinner will be ready after one hour; I'll come to escort you, have a nice time."

Then he went out the room, followed by the dragon prince.

One hour later, Kim Janhoo was dressed with a royal suit, escorted the princess to the dinner hall. A beautiful music filled the hall.

She sat on one chair, while Kim Janhoo sat next to her, after a few minutes, the dragon prince entered the hall and sat next to her.

They enjoyed the dinner, after that, Kim Janhoo asked the princess to join him into a dance, she accepted.

The dragon prince was angry and jealous, but he couldn't do anything, since the princess was the commander, and as he knew if he disobeyed her, she can exile him. So he was watching every movement.

While dancing, a small conversation between the princess and Kim Janhoo occurred.

Kim Janhoo: "your escort look angry, did something happen between you?"

Lia looked at him: "he refused the idea of the marriage."

Kim Janhoo: "what about you?"

Lia: "I'm still thinking."

Kim Janhoo: "oh, does that mean, you maybe will accept the offer, we will be glad to have a beautiful princess like you in our kingdom."

Lia just smiled, so Kim Janhoo asked again: "why is he so against the marriage?"

Lia: "it is against our rules, since we can't get married to someone out of our community."

Kim Janhoo was surprised: "and what will you do?"

Lia: "what I want is the security for my country, and I will do what is necessary."

They continued dancing silently.


Few days later, the contract between the princess and the king was signed, and today, she will be married to the crown prince.

It was the wedding day, and the princess was dressed in her room waiting the time to meet her human prince.

The dragon prince: "I still against this wedding."

Lia: "why, I already asked the elders and they accepted."

The dragon prince: "this wedding will not happen."

Lia stood up: "if you think to do anything, you will regret it."

The dragon prince: "you can't stop me."

Lia: "yes I can."

The dragon prince: "what will happen if he found you are a dragon not a human."

Lia: "I'll make sure he will not know."

The dragon prince: "what if he wanted to visit our country, how he will react."

Lia: "we have a contract, this contract is eternal, and I used magic to make sure not to be disintegrated."

The dragon prince: "I'll stop this wedding."

Lia: "you can't, I order you to leave this country right now, or you will be exiled, Min leehoo."

The dragon prince went out the room angrily without seeing the person who was listening to their conversation.


Years later the princess gave birth to a beautiful three princess, and one prince they fell the castle happiness.

Lia was in her bed, she felt too sick, the doctors couldn't recognize her illness, they tried every possible cure, but they couldn't cure her.

The king, her husband was sitting next to her, holding her hand.

Lia said while she was crying: "I love you, please forgive me."

The king: "for what."

Lia: "I have a secret; I hide it from you all these years."

The king looked at her with tears: "don't worry, what is important is you."

Lia: "you should know that before I die."

The king: "don't say that, I already asked to prepare the wagon, we are hiding to your country in order to find a cure."

Lia: "that's impossible, we can't."

The king: "yes we can, don't worry my love."

Lia: "you need to understand, please let me explain to you."

The king: "all these years I loved you, not for what you are, but for your heart, your soul, your courage, wise, smile."

Lia: "you need to know that I'm a_"

The king: "A dragon, yes I know."

Lia was surprised: "how?!"

The king: "look how you are surprised, it is the same when we met in the wedding room, you didn't expect me to be the crown prince."

Lia: "Janhoo, you knew and didn't tell me."

Kim Janhoo: "I loved you from the first sigh, yes I knew, since I heard your conversation with the other dragon."

Lia: "you need to know something before I die, my children, later our grandson or granddaughters will have the dragons power, please keep this secret from anyone, this must just stay between the loyal family."

Kim Janhoo: "yes I know that, do you remember when I went into a long trip, I went to your country, and read all the rules, they accepted me, and told me every necessary detail."

Lia: "I love you."

Lia closed her eyes, and slept forever. While her husband was holding her hands.

Her beautiful daughters grew up, and married to other countries princess, and became queens, her son became the new king, and everyone kept the secret as they promised their dad, the dragon blood hand down from one generation into another. Till it become the Kim emperor.

Other secret was, just the grandsons of Kim Sanmoo (lia's son) can communicate with the dragons. 

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