Chapter Twenty Three

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"The queen would have your head for this"

"No! she would have your hands"

"the land belongs to me"

"But it's my turn now!"

"No! It's mine"

I'm seated at the throne room attending to issues from our subjects as Alexander had more important things to do.
These morons have been at each other for a while, it was very aggravating.

"perhaps I should have both your heads, hands and legs chopped off" I threatened making them stiffen in fear.

"Spilt the land in half, both taking a piece or it'll be taken away from you" this was a perfect suggestion.

Ahne entered the throne room and whispered to the guard at the door, who in turn approached where I sat. Bending to my level, he spoke in a hushed tone.

"my queen, lady Ruby Richmond is at the foyer"

Ruby has finally come visiting I thought as a mild smile graces my face.

Two months ago, my sister in law walked down the aisle with her husband - lord Daniel.

No one could miss the admiration his eyes held each time he glimpsed at Ruby. Indeed they were meant for each other.
Of course, mother wept on seeing her little girl married and leaving home but she took consolation knowing I would be with her.

Alexander being prideful wouldn't admit it, I knew the departure of his sister melted his heart. He would miss her also.
She promised to be here at intervals. This was still her home after all and no one could get rid of her not that we want to.

Getting to the foyer, I was greeted by a warm hug.
"I missed you too Ruby" I chuckled.

"oh Mae, I really need to talk with you. It is of great importance" her tone showed clearly the gravity of whatever she had to say.

"Is something wrong?" my mind went haywire in thoughts.

"could we go to your chamber?"

"sure, but please spare me sometime. I have people waiting at the throne room" I pleaded.

"okay I'll be with mother." she said

Ruby had already changed so much. It warmed my heart seeing this.

Making my way back to the throne room, I heard mother's voice from the foyer. The joy in her tone rang through the walls of the castle.

" my lady " a young man stood before me.
From his looks, he seemed married with children.

"yes, state your issue"

Throughout the hearing, I kept zoning out. Uneasiness and curiosity squirmed through me.
It was obvious whatever made Ruby leave her new home to the castle must be of great importance.

"The royal treasury will refund whatever you've lost" I stated to the last individual before leaving the room.

Spotting Ruby at the hallway, I walked toward her.
" what about mother?" I inquired ushering her to my chamber.

" she had duties to attend to" she responded.

"Mae" she started as we sat in the confines of my room.
"I don't know if these hold any truth to them but it's been flooding through my estate and our wards".

"What is it about?" curiosity evident in my response.

"I heard Alex has been visiting the Rahl estate on a regular, he was seen with Sutton recently."

Wait what?? Why would Alexander be there?
It might be certain because the house of Rahl and the house of Richmond are neighboring estates.

"I just thought I should let you know" she finished.

"of course Ruby" I offered a tight smile.
This piece of information was definitely not what I expected.

"Is mother aware?"

"No, I didn't want her worrying".

She had a point, If my husband wanted to anull our marriage and be with Sutton, I wouldn't want to give mother a heart attack with that information.

Mother and I wanted Ruby to stay the night but she turned down our offer saying she had to get back to her husband.

She was now a wife afterall and very soon I'm sure she'll be a mother also.
What I'd give to be a mother.

". . . Alex has been visiting the Rahl Estate on a regular, he was seen with Sutton recently." those words kept popping into my mind as I lay wide awake beside my sleeping husband.

Alexander had returned home late last night and immediately went to bed. I guess he was exhausted.
I mean who wouldn't be from all those visits
I thought rolling my eyes.

I decided against questioning him about the rumors when he arrived home. Last night wasn't the best time for a confrontation.
Right now from the look of things, I knew I wouldn't fall asleep anytime soon as those words haunted my mind.

A yawn escaped my lips as I instantly blinked awake.
I guess I eventually fell asleep.
As expected, Alexander wasn't laying beside me although his bed space was warm indicating he had just left.

The hushed sound of people speaking from outside my chamber door caught my attention. Peeling myself away from the comfort of my bed, I walked to the door and placed my ear to it.

"Send a reply to Sutton's letter informing her I'll be there." My husband's voice rang from the hallway.
The rumors where actually true.

The fading footsteps hinted the departure of the servant.

"Alexander I see you're still meeting with Sutton" I said swinging the door open.

"Mae I see lord Gregory did nothing in teaching you manners"

Oh now his trying to switch topics

"You're going to anull the marriage aren't you"
I trailed behind him as he made his way into our chamber.

"you owe me a reply." I repeated, slowly becoming agitated.
I've been having a lot moodswings lately.

"that's no way to speak to your husband, neither to your king" fury leaking in his words.

" it's because I can't give you children isn't it" I questioned again.

"That's. Enough. Mae" he yelled

"it is not enou- -" my sentence was cut short as my vision became hazy.
Dizziness washed through me making me grip the table for support.

"Mae! What's wrong? Mae!"
Alexander's frantic voice sounded so distant before he scoped me into his arms moving toward our bed.

"I'm okay. Just dizzy" my words jumbled out.
I was definitely far from okay.

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