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My eyes twinkled with wet liquid beaming in my eyes, I stared up at the moonlit sky, it had a unusual sadness to it. The breeze seemed to be upset of something happening worldly. It was one of the coldest nights in Russia. I've stayed here for half my life yet this might've have been the most awful night I've witness here in Russia. I parted my dry lips to gulp in some oxygen since I was severely running out of it. I layed briskly on the solid ground, my body barely able to detect the pain I was going through. My hair tangled with the tiny follicles of grass, I lifted my hand with the little life I had left in it. I placed it on my stomach. Growling and screeching in pain I realised I was running out of chances of survival.

The warm liquid contacted my cold hands causing me to winch a little at the change of temperature. I moved my eyeballs down, staring at my stomach. I realise my blood loss has increased. The bullet peirced deep in me. The gunshot had recklessly turned me into a girl close to death.

I tried to apply pressure but my body had grown weak, vulnerable . At this point I know nothing... no one could save me. I'm not complaining for my death but I wish I could live to tell the world of the truth I found out about my late father.

The truth that put me in this condition....

I closed my eyes as I was nearing my losing point. A little more longer and I'll be gone. I can finally met my Father but in vail,
Since I haven't proved his innocence in this world. The people who shot me were mere hired men to erase my existence I can't blame them.

My hand fell to my sides and I felt my body going more numb.

Until... I felt a pair of hands on my stomach....
The feeling was so foreign I opened my eyes and saw him.. again...

He came to save me again...

As he began attending my wound, before I could black out I heard him say

I promise I won't let anything happen to you after this, I promise I won't let you die......

||A Truth & A Lie ||•Kim Taehyung~Reader•Where stories live. Discover now