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After A Week:-

Nami woke up in her hospital bed, she felt a lot more stronger. Of course weaker than before she was shot but she had recovered enough to leave the hospital. She stood up and walked to grab herself a glass of water. Resting against the window still , she peaked outside the window staring at the clear blue sky. Thanking him to save her life again. He was a stranger in her life yet her guardian. She never confronted him, never tracked him down, never tried to interfere with him. He would appear and protect, help and save her when she needed him the most.

She gulped her water and thought about the truth she discovered about the death of her father.

"Miss Kang Nami Gin?" The nurse called out.

Nami quickly replied in her honey like voice "yes?"

The nurse walked to her and handed her a file and stated "You don't need any more tests or monitoring and your fit to leave the hospital.. also all your bills have been paid."

Nami spoke "Did a young man pay for me?"

The nurse blushed "Yes! He walked in with the most graceful features and his manly body ugh! Left every girl swooning.. your so lucky to be with him!"

Nami smiled and said "So I can leave now?" The nurse nodded.

Nani sighed another favour to pay back to her mystery man.

        ***         ***        ***       ***      ***     ***     ***

Kang Nami Gin was a 23 year old mix national, her mother was a Russian and her father was a Korean. Blessed with long ebony hair, delicate black eyes and accompanied by short height, her bright personality shone the most.

Nami lived half her childhood in Korea until some forceful events after the suicide of her father forced her to leave Korea, her mother helped her escape and come to Russia. While her time in Korea, Namis Mom married a assemblymen. All her life she has been searching for the answer to her fathers suicide and one day when she finally found out the truth behind his death. The fierce men of her step father decided to take her down but to her luck her mystery guardian saved her again.

Nami decided to tone her wilding thoughts by entering her silent getaway. Nami smiled brightly and said "Yes! I missed you library!"

The women on the counter was quick  enough to shush her down. Nami quickly covered her mouth and giggled as she settled down and pulled out some books relating to the Korean culture.

It still fascinated her, how King Sejong ascended throne at a very young age, how Yu Sui Shi was the worlds most bravest warrior. She smiled through her knowledge grasping session.

She had a little notebook next to her, Nami scribbled down all the works which she didn't understand. The works which were not in her little vocabulary. She tried to translate it on her cellphone but there was no success,  it just didn't make any sense.

She pouted and stood up and decided to search for some more books to read.

Nami was busy selecting her next target to read, little did she notice, someone glancing over her notes.

He looked at a pre occupied Nami, he bit his lips thinking of any way to help her. He pulled his hoodie lower as he grabbed Namis pen carelessly thrown aside and started writing.

He wrote the meaning of the words next to Namis words. He quickly left the pen as he saw Nami turn and stride back to her spot.

He was very groomed in his actions, like butter he swept outside the library, completely unnoticed.

Nami made her self comfortable on her spot and opened her hair and began re tying it. Until she noticed the paper she wrote on had someone else's handwriting. It was messy but she understood what it was. Someone wrote down the meanings for her. She fiddle with the paper, she knew who it was. She said "You were here again..."


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