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"What are you screaming for Nami? He won't hear you." Mera said

Nami looked down, more than feeling certain emotions she had gone completely numb. Disbelief surely was the biggest stroke to her. She swept her hair back using her hand and pressed her lips together trying to exactly process what was going on.

"Why did you blackmail me?" Nami asked bluntly.

"See Nami since your already going to be dear to the heaven above let me tell you everything about what happened the night your father committed a suicide oh wait... the night he was murdered." Kwan said.

Nami heard with the biggest and deepest arrow in her heart.

Kwan continued "Your mother and I have some deep secrets which your father found out. But he was surely a good man he didn't threaten his wife. Because after all his wife was working honestly, but she worked for  me. Even after your father explained that his daughter Nami that is you, Namis life would be difficult, Mera couldn't bear the burden of handling you and your father. So she asked for a divorce but he said no.... I tried to talk to him but he shut me out. I said with Mera by my side I can rule the country and I even promised to give benefits to Your father. You know what he did..." Kwan said in a cold voice.

"What?" Nami asked quickly

"He blackmailed us, he said he will expose us to the media which would shut down my entire rule. He threatened to destroy my empire. So I did what was best. I murdered him and set it up as a suicide." Kwan smiled and explained.

Nami wanted to pull his intestines out but she had to stay put in control. She still had hope Taehyung would come.

"My father would never do such a thing." Nami justified.

Mera yelled "But he did! HE USED YOU NAMI .. He used his own daughter against me!"

"His daughter? Am I not your daughter?" Nami asked sincerely.

Mera grabbed her by the shoulders and said "Kang Nami Gin was my daughter. I accepted you as my daughter but only when I was raising you. The person you are right now... i don't know who raised you all these years so I don't believe your my daughter."

Nami said "I'm so glad I'm not... I ask god to never give anyone a mother like you."

"Talk show is over, you've got all your answers now goodbye." Kwan said as he aimed his gun towards Nami.

Nami shut her eyes, tears rolled down her soft cheeks. She was waiting for the hit.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

A voice came from the shadows.

Nami opened her eyes, the curtains on the right side of the balcony had a shadow. A figure stood leaning on the balcony.

He walked inside. As soon as the light shone on his face. Nami sighed the biggest breath of relief.

Taheyung walked inside. He stood opposite to Nami and right in front of Kwan.

Taehyung smiled at him and said "In simple words let her go."

Kwan said "What is your problem who the heck are you? Why does Nami even matter your a young man go live your life . Don't worry of a pest like her."

Taheyung clenched his fists. He said "My concern and what I feel is.. emm your not so important that i need to explain what Nami is to me.."

Kwan said "you will die first."

Taheyung said "Oh before that..."
He pulled out a small device from his pocked and pressed the button.

A voice recording played.
............entire rule. He threatened to destroy my empire. So I did what was best. I murdered him and set it up as a suicide...............

Kwan lowered his gun, shock and fear encircling him. He started to shiver as Taehyung stood smiling at him.

Mera mouth went wide open, this could mean their end she thought. They were in a trap now.

Taehyung smirked at them and flicked the device in between his fingers.

"It's a dangerous situation now.. My .. my What has it come to.." Taheyung mocked.

He walked to Nami. He looked at her and cupped her face. He wiped her tears with his thumb and said "I'm here now." Nami nodded, she was relaxed she knew Taehyung would find a way.

"So what's the deal now? How do we settle this?" Taehyung asked.

The lawyer said "look we will not touch Nami or even interfere with you both please don't release this Audio it to the press. We will do anything you say."

Taheyung laughed "Anything?... anything you say.."

He glanced at Nami and said "Did he scare you?"
Nami nodded.

Taehyung walked slowly to the lawyer and said "its going to hurt." He punched him in the face. The lawyer feel down and yelled in pain.

Mr Kwan said "Enough.. what do you want?"

Taehyung walked in front of him. Kwan quivered and stepped back. His personality was intimidating and scary at the same time. Taehyung said "The sight of you pointing a gun towards Nami boiled my blood.... I'm trying to suppress it but... I can't."

Kwan said quickly his voice shaking with fear "Just tell me what to do. I'll follow it."

Taehyung said "Fine.. shoot your wife right now."

Kwan looked at him and said "what?"

"Didn't you hear? Shoot her!" Taehyung said.

"Aim the gun.. fire.." Taheyung grunted.

Nami intervened "No! Taehyung don't do this! She may have been bad but she is still human we can't do this"

Taehyung looked at Mera and said "Still don't want to accept her as your daughter. She is ready you save someone like you. Someone that's fallen so low even the devil doesn't want to take you to hell."

Mera looked down, she couldn't accept herself. She was a demon and she accepted it.

"Oh the show isn't over yet." Taehyung said, he put an arm around Nami and pulled her close.

Kwan said "I'm going to kill both of you." He quickly aimed his gun at Taehyung but before he could pull the trigger.

The door opened and a huge crowd of press rushed in. They ran and covered the whole scene. The stood surrounding. Taehyung, Nami and Kwan ,Mera

The reporters started to cover

"As you can see. Candidate for elections Mr Kwan Enwoo. Is seen pointing a gun at this unknown girl and boy. Who seems to be the victims here ."

"Was Kwan Enwoo going to kill this young couple? If so why?"

"This young couple seems to be threatened by Kwan, was he here to do this dirty job so that no one can find it."

"Excuse me miss what's going on here?" A reporter pointed the microphone at Nami and asked.

The cameras were flashing and everyone was focused on Nami. She looked at Taehyung who whispered something to her.

She glanced at Mera and Kwan. Who were at their begging point.

She spoke in the mic "Mr Kwan admitted to kill my father and we were investigating it. So he was afraid of his truth being exposed... so he tried to kill us."

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