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"Just listen to me" Taehyung yelled.

"No you've been deprived of your duty, as the Archangel I summon your astral form to the demons! And your wings will be taken away." Archangel yelled.

"NO PLEASE!" Taehyung begged.

Two black casted hollows entered with red axes, the axes were sharper than the dragons teeth, they aimed it Taehyungs beautiful Brown wings. He yelled and screamed and cried.

The axe swang, his body died as a piece of him was taken away, he fell on the ground lifeless.

The last thing he heard was the cry of his mother in the corner. The demons chained his astral form, his physical form pulled away.

He sat at the feet of the dungeon.

"You will walk the earth but as nothing but a curse, if that human does fall for you her fate will be written by your own brother who won't hesitate in killing Kang Nami Gin." The demon said.

"Taehyung... I wanted to Protect you! Why! Why would you do this to me! Why! That girl was a curse she ruined my brothers  life I will kill her!" Taehyung brothers voice echoed.

Taehyung shivered and woke up. He blinked several times until he realised he was dreaming. He saw Nami sitting in front of him with concerned eyes. She must've understood he was seeing a bad dream.

Taehyung rubbed his eyes. Nami said "It's just a dream none of it is real. Okay?"

Taehyung nodded little did she know all his dreams were small fragments of his past. Nami touched his forehead. He wondered why so. She said "You look really sick. Taehyung you have high temperature."

Taehyung realised, its him.... it's a sign. This sickness was not ordinary. It has a reason. It was a warning of someone who was going to come to him.

He said "No I'm fine."

Nami pulled him closer and said "Don't argue with me. I'm making you nice food. Eat and rest. Understood?"

Taehyung stared at her with wide eyes. He pouted at her and said "Stop copying me!" She laughed and said "Okay okay! Just freshen up a little I'll take of my little sick big boy!" She ruffled his hair. Taehyung only stared at her with annoyance.

She loved annoying him, his little frown made his lower lip in a upside U and she admired that. But her first instinct was to take care of him. He really seemed sick.


"Can I ask you something?" Nami asked carefully.

They both sat on the couch as they shared one blanket. Nami thought it was the best way for Taehyung to relax which is too cuddle.

Taehyung nodded and looked at her waiting for her soft lips to spur her questions.

"How long have you known me or been watching ..me?"  Finally a big weight was lifted off Namis heart after asking this.

Taehyung sat upright and looked into Namis eyes. He said "I've known you long enough. Long enough for you to know that you can trust me."

Nami nodded and asked the next question "How old are you?"

"23." Taehyung replied.

Nami nodded and said "One more.. question."

She looked at Taehyung for approval. He smiled and pulled her onto his chest. She layed on his chest as he played with the tips of her hair. She bit her lip wondering if she could ask him her question.

Taehyung said as Nami felt the vibration of his chest on her ear "Ask me anything you want Nami."

Nami breathed in and played with the hem of Taehyungs sleeves as she asked "You've helped me a lot. In this world Taehyung no one helps anyone unless they have a reason an alternative.. what's your alternative for me?"

"I only want to protect you. From anything that causes you harm , from all evil." Taehyung states his simple reasons.

"What about your parents?" Nami asked.

She felt Taehyungs body go stiff. She quickly said "I'm sorry I'm so sorry.. I didn't meant too."
Taehyung said "It's alright don't worry. I don't really talk about my parents but I don't really have a father he.. died a long time ago my mother is very charismatic and beautiful I really love her but she is too far away for me to met her."
The awful churn of sadness in Taehyungs voice made Namis heart ache she wanted to ask more but she stopped herself.

She got off his chest and hugged him. She rested her chin on his broad shoulders as he readily accepted her warmth. She closed her eyes as she said "I pray that one day everything goes your way and your happy because you deserve all good in the world Taehyung."

He smiled at her. She was surely a wingless Angel. As they broke the hug. They sat face to face with each other. Only a few inches apart. Their lips so close from touching. Taehyung leaned in once again. This time he put his hand on her waist to pull her closer. She didn't hesitate, Taehyung felt Nami grow confident as she leaned in too just as about their lips would connect. The House door bell rang.

Nami yelled and hid her face in Taehyungs chest. She quickly stood up completely embarrassed. "I was just a little surprised" she tried to justify herself. "I'll get the door." Saying this she ran to the main door.

Taehyung chuckled at this whole incident. His heart slowly sinking deeper in love.

Nami opened the door and asked "Who is it?"

In front stood a lovely figure, he was masculine. Perfectly built he almost felt like he came out of a men's fitness magazine. He was ethereal Nami thought. Men were handsome but he was beautiful.

She asked "who are you?"

The man in front said "Can you call Taehyung please?"

Nami asked "He is inside what should I say to him.. who is come to meet him?"

The man said "Tell him it's Jimin.. Park Jimin. Tell him I urgently need to meet him."

"Get out." Taehyung growled from behind.

Nami turned around and saw Taehyung. He seemed furious like his veins would pop out of his skin. He said "Jimin move away from her!"

Jimin said "Taehyung I'm here to tell you  something."

Taehyung pulled Nami onto his chest and said "When I wanted you to stand by me to say something  for me when I needed you the most where were you Jimin! I thought you were my best friend but I can never forgive how you didn't even say anything at the council that day!" He was at his breaking point. Nami was blabbered at the situation. What was even going on she thought. One thing she knew. Jimin was Taehyung best friend and something had happened that right now Taehyung was furious at him.

Jimin said softly "I'm not going to ask you to forgive me but Taehyung please come with me. I can protect you both. I can feel your sickness I can treat it. You need to be at your full strength before he comes to you."

"Im not sick." Taehyung said bluntly.

"I can feel the weakness Taehyung please just take Nami and come with me." Jimin begged.

"Go inside Nami." He said coldly. Nami was in no position to argue she quietly went inside and sat on the couch and waited for Taehyung to come back.

"Leave." Taehyung said as his eyes glowed blue.

"Taehyung if he takes her we can never get Nami back. Without your wings you know you are weak. And whenever a angel is permitted to earth the curse effects you, the fallen one. I have a medicine that will help please Tae." Jimin pleaded yet once again.

"I can't trust you Jimin, you were able to shut up the day my wings were cut off so I have no reason to trust a friend like you who can't even stand up for others." Taehyung shruddered and banged the door on his once beloved friend.

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