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Nami scattered people like they were dried leaves, what was haunting was the fact that Nami was enjoying it. People were in a mess and were scattered everywhere. They ran screaming for help for protection from a angelic face but evil actions.

"Be afraid! Go run call for help!" She laughed.

Jimin and Taehyung began looking for Nami out of the hospital.

"Why did you tell Jungkook and Baek to stay back?" Jimin enquired.

"If she comes back to the hospital they will be there." Taehyung said. He seemed so much in dilemma in confusion.

"Jimin..." Taehyung said as he slowed down walking then coming to a halt.

They stood at the side curve of the road.

"What is it?" Jimin asked as he stood next to Taehyung.

"I sense dark magic..." Taehyung said. His tone felt like he also couldn't believe the words that came from his mouth.

Angels were able to sense anyone's magic but to sense dark magic you needed to posses a portion of it yourself. Taehyung knew exactly the source of the magic and form where it is was coming from.

Nami was losing herself more. A few times her red glowing eyes would return to their actual colour but again in pain while she screamed the demon took control. She continuously kept fighting inside to take her body back but the demon constantly won.

She blasted rays towards a car, it exploded and Nami stared at the fire explosion and smiled.


Nami turned around at the familiar voice.
Taehyung was shocked for his life, what even happened. Seeing Nami like this he wasn't sure what to do. All seemed like a blur to him.

Her eyes shifted colour. As she fought back once again. She knelt on the ground.

"Come on.. ugh.. aaaah..." she groaned as she tired her best to come back.

She stood up with head lowered.

"You can't hurt these people." Taehyung said.

Nami growled "but I want to.."

"You have to take control Nami, I know the power feels unlimited. As if you've got everything. It makes you want more but no it's all a illusion. Come back Nami...." Taehyung tried to help her.

Nami blasted red rays towards Taehyung. Taehyung took the hit easily absorbing it. Her power was nothing in front of him. But she had to gain control or there was nothing anyone do to help her.

She suddenly screamed and randomly blasted rays in all direction. More damage was caused.

"Jimin look out for the people!" Taehyung said as Jimin protected the people from the damage Nami was doing.

Taehyung leapt to her in one go and caught her arms.

Nami tried to break free from his hold. Her body glowing more red as Taehyung tried to hold her down.

"Nami come back." Taehyung said

Nami heard him, his voice penetrating deep in her heart. This was her last chance at trying to come back. The demon forced to use more power to suppress her as she struggled.

Namis eyes shifted to their own colour.

"Taehyung..." she whispered

"I'm here... I'm here Nami." He said as he tried to stay as calm as possible. Seeing Nami in this state was already death for him. He didn't know what he was doing but he just did whatever his mind could come too.

Nami under his touch felt more determined. The little strength she had left she used it all. She needed to regain control before it's too late.

She felt the heaviness in her body lighten. Her eyes watered. This was like a unusual pull of gravity off her body. She looked deep into taehyungs eyes. He stared at her with every ounce of love he could give her. Nami saw a emotion in his eyes that confused her.


She didn't understand why but as she met his eyes her world blacked out and she fell into Taehyungs arms.

Taehyung quickly grabbed her. He knew her energy was Drained causing her to collapse.

He hugged her tightly. "What's in you Nami?" He whispered.


"Tie her..." Baekhyun said as he stretched his arms which had the ropes towards Taehyung.

They all stood surrounding the bed Nami was laying in at Jimins House.

"You want me to tie her up! Is she an animal?" Taehyung spoke angrily.

Jungkook put an arm on Taehyungs shoulder "She isn't an animal but if we wish for her to be safe and even everyone around her to be safe it's the best choice."

"We have no clue if she will wake up as Nami or as a ..." Jimin trailed off.

"Please Tae.." Baekhyun urged.

Taehyung couldn't do this, no she wasn't going to be restrained. He won't do that to her. He stood staring at all of them.

Nami moved, as she moved a light sigh escaped her slightly parted lips. She groaned as she touched her head. She tried to sit upright. Taehyung by her side in seconds to assist her.

She leaned on Taehyung, she automatically knew it was him even without opening her eyes. She felt  lightheaded.

"Nami is that.. em you?" Jungkook said as he sat on the other side of the bed.

Nami nodded.

Taehyung didn't utter a word. He only sat next to her.

"Nami what's going on?" Baekhyun asked.

"I... didn't tell you all this." Nami said

"Well obviously you didn't."
Jungkook mumbled

"Hey Jungkook!" Jimin said

"No it's okay... I should've told you Taehyung. I'm sorry." Nami said

Taehyung didn't say anything, he just heard everything without telling her anything. Nami felt weird at his behaviour.

"That day when I went in the dungeon, there was this glowing red light. I couldn't stop myself from touching it and ... it got in me.." Nami admitted.

"We should really tie her." Baekhyun said.

"Do it." Nami said looking at Taehyung.
Taehyung stared at her. His eyes emotionless.

"If you can control your dark magic we won't have to tie you." Jimin said

"No jimin it's best for everyone.. if I loose.. loose control I'll not hurt anyone." Nami said clearly.

"You seriously did the most stupid thing in you entire life!" Jungkook yelled.

Nani lowered her head in shame. This was true.

Taehyung glared at Jungkook, seeing Taehyung Jungkook quickly changed His tone "I mean.. like it's alright we can do something can't we."

"No we can't." Taehyung said ever so angrily and leaving the room.

Nami yelled "Taehyung Stop!"

He didn't stop or turn back or reply. He left in anger.. but Nami knew he was afraid for her.

There was something about this demon in her that scared him. Maybe she was going to loose herself.

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