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"Any plan to escape them?" Nami asked Taehyung.

He grabbed Namis arm and pulled her behind the wall, the guards started giving them a final countdown. Before they fire at them.


"Oh no what now?" Nami was puzzled.

Taehyung said "I'm going to have to touch you."

"What?" Nami asked.


"You want me to save you." Taehyung questioned.
Nami nodded recultantly.

"I'll carry you up to this wall, you have to jump the other side, there is a car just opposite this wall, sit in it and wait for me. Okay?"


Taehyung gave her the car keys and he scooped her in his arms easily, he pushed her higher, towards the top of the wall, it was a basic fence. Nami crawled towards the other side as Taehyung watched her carefully. She rolled and sat on the edge of the other side looking at Taehyung. She blinked at him.

He instructed "Jump Nami."

"Come back safely." Nami requested and jumped.

Taehyung smiled to himself at her concern, she sure was honey hearted.


"Alright, that's enough." Taehyung said and walked out of the alley. He looked at the guards who were looking for Nami.

Taehyung said "She isn't here, she is safe and you all aren't."

The guard loaded their guns and aimed to Taehyung.

Taehyung cracked his neck and stretched his arms, he closed his eyes and said "Do you believe in magic?"

The moment his eyes opened they began glowing, his eyelids glowed a crystal blue, a hue shade which sparkled.

The guards were stunned at him, he leapt forward with inhuman speed at them without any warning, taking them down in seconds.


"Please be alive and safe! Please please! If anything happens to you because of me I swear to god even I'll die in guilt." Nami prayed.

She didn't want anything to happen to Taehyung. she put her head in her hands and breathed slowly. He so readily protects her, like she is everything in his life. She always wants to ask him why? she wants to stop him from taking this risk. But she held back not sure she could have this conversation with Taehyung.

She looked outside the car window hoping to see Taehyung escape safe and soundly.

She groaned and closed her eyes, hope dying in every second for her.

There was a soft knock on her window.

She shot her eyes open and looked outside.
Her cheeks curled upward and a huge smile rested on her lips. Her smile made Taehyung smile too, almost like it was contagious.

He walked towards the other side of the car with Namis eyes following him, he opened the driver seat and sat inside.

Nami said "How did you.. get all of them?"

Taehyung said "I'm a really good fighter."

Nami widened her eyes and nodded. Taehyung took the car keys from Nami and roared the engine to life.

Nami said "My Heart had already reached my throat. I think my blood pressure must've dropped to zero, in the building when those guards circled me at the staircase, I have no clue how I didn't pass out!" Her exaggeration only left Taehyung smiling.

It was one of her habits to speak to herself when she was nervous afraid or very happy.

"For a moment I even accepted 'Kang Nami Gin... this might be the end!'" She suddenly went quiet.

Taehyung looked at her and said "Don't stop keep talking."

"Thank you Taehyung, once again for today." Nami said quickly.

Taehyung said "Nami you don't have to thank me, it's my job to protect you and I won't let anything happen to you. So you don't have to thank me everytime. Alright?"

Nami nodded and rested her head on the side, she noticed Taehyung skipped the right turn to her house. He didn't take the route that would lead her home, doubts sprung in her head.

"It's Okay Nami, Atleast he is kidnapping you, I mean I'm really okay if you kidnap me." Nami spoke first to herself then to Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled at her. She sure was one of a kind he thought.

"Your Okay if I kidnap you?" Taehyung asked

"Yeah it's okay, I trust this kidnapper." She answered still looking outside the window.

Taehyung blushed to himself but quickly answered "I'm not kidnapping you, you must have not eaten anything so I'll stop by a restaurant and you can eat whatever you want."

Nami mouth went in a huge 'O' as she squeaked "Oh my god! Really thank you so much. It's like my prayer is heard, I'm starving since 1947."

Taehyung couldn't help but smile at her cheerful nature. No matter how bad the situation would be she knew how to lighten in up. It was one of his favourite features on her.

He stopped the car and said "We are here."

Nami got down and looked at the name of the restaurant. Her body froze. It was a Korean restaurant that was her favourite.

Taehyung came and stood next to her and said "I thought we could eat something that's your favourite."

Nami spoke vaguely "How?.. how.. how do you.. you know that this restaurant is my ... favourite?"

Taehyung brushed her hair that rested on her forehead, as his warm fingertips brushed against her forehead, she had never felt this kind of comfort, this kind of affection in her life, she only stared at Taehyung, whose presence itself for her was a blessing.

Taehyung knew she would be flustered and he wouldn't want to touch her to emit any wrong message but this was pure. His heart only meant purity when it came to Nami, her soft brown eyes twinkling when she gazed at him.

Taehyung spoke in his deep voice "Kang Nami Gin. I know you more than anyone, I know you more than yourself."

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