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"Baek told you all that?" Taehyung asked

Nami nodded and said "I really don't know if i should Ask you this or no but what truely are you?"

Taehyung knew it was time she knew this, he should tell her what he truely is.

"I'm the Angel of Destruction." Taehyung said shamefully.

He lowered his head in disgrace, he never told his duty of his angelic realm to anyone. It frightened him, his kind scared him.

Nami lifted his head up and looked deep in his eyes. Urging him to continue.

"When we were assigned our duties, my power, the colour of my wings, my thoughts were always different from not only my brothers but different from every angel in the palace. I always tried to fit in but i was always left alone... my power wasn't normal. It was different, it was dark and so powerful i was afraid id loose myself over the greed of more power. My wings were brown, they were strong enough to beat any magic. I could be unstoppable. Mom used to tell me if i let my dark magic come out ill bring only destruction, pain and misery to everyone...... monster, demon... dark prince these were my names back in the archangel palace but I'm not like that Nami. I can never cause pain to innocent hearts. I don't want to be the dark prince of hell. I just want to be an angel who fulfils his duties and loves you." Taehyung said as his voice quivered.

"Your no monster... no demon... no dark godforsaken prince... your Taehyung a beautiful creature with nothing but a wise heart. Dark power or different wings. You've saved lives, whatever i am today i am because of you. So let your mother live in fear instead of finding a cure for you, instead of teaching you ways she abandoned you what good is she off a mother. Don't associate yourself to hell.. for me you own the gates of heaven and for me your the angel of mercy." Nami said soulfully.

Taehyung smiled at her. Each word of hers put his aching heart at ease. All these years his open wound was mended by Namis love and warmth.

Suddenly there was a explosion sound. Taehyung and Nami Stood up. Taehyung looked outside the window. Panic setting in the room.

"Who is it?" Nami asked

"Its the archangels their here for Jungkook." Taehyung said.

"Jimin!" Taehyung yelled.

"Right here!" Jimin yelled back as he stood at the entrance of the door.

"Nami stay inside they wont hurt you. Just stay hidden." Taehyung warned her.

Nami ran and hid next to the bed, praying no one would get hurt.

Jimin and Taehyung walked outside, they knew the angels would fight them in order to get hands on Jungkook.

"Warrior you have one last chance to choose. Side the council or the criminal Jungkook and the fallen angel." The archangel said.

Jimin looked at Taehyung, this was his last chance. His choice now would show his loyalty to the council or would make him a traitor.

But friendship was more important to Jimin. He knew he lost a chance back when Tae needed him now he wouldn't make the mistake with Jungkook.

"Jungkook isn't here... i request you leave with peace." Jimin said.

"That's lie. The fallen one and you are hiding him!" They argued back.

Taehyung cleared his throat. Silence enveloping the surroundings. Everyone's fear clearly shown by Taehyungs smirk.

"If your belief says we have hid him in there... then sure we hid him. Jungkook is in that house. Yet i demand you to leave.... because I'm in no mood to further make any deals." Taehyung hissed.

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