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Nami stricked back. She broke Taehyungs magic and said "Tough fight is always fun."

Nami put her hands out and reddish aura of magic exited her body and dispersed in the ground below.

The ground quaked, red strings of magic harshly burst out. Destroying the ground. Nami stretched her arms towards Taehyung. The strings moved in the direction she guided them to move.

Taehyung didn't want to fight her, he can't do this. He stood still wanting Nami to finish him so he could finally receive what he deserved. He decided not to fight back.

But before the strings could hit him. Jungkook stepped in between and shielded Taehyung with his wings. Jungkook groaned a bit because dark power did hurt.

Namjoon took Taehyung to the side. Taehyung didn't have any response of his own.

Baekhyun ,Jimin and Jungkook surrounded Nami. They were going to try to keep her at bay.

They all left their wings loose. They flapped them signalling their stealth.

Nami laughed and said "you think having wings will scare me. Your just as bad as me."

Saying this she started attacking with all power. She just wanted to escape this enchantment. It was suffocating her. Inside the enchantment her power was reducing its impact. She knew a little more strong magic and she could break this circle of enchantment. She mercilessly began fighting all three of them at once.

Namjoon shook Taehyung. He said "Tae.. look at me!"

Taehyung slowly lifted his face and connected his eyes with Namjoons

"Tae.. don't do this to Nami..." he begged

He continued "Taehyung you and I both know she would never want to be living like this. Tell me would Nami want her body to be used as a host to a miserable pathetic demon. Would she want her life to be put in those horrid hands. Or would she rather die a gratifying death. Taehyung she loves you and you won't be a murder if you stake her. You will save her not kill her. Tae we don't have much time.."

"I don't want her to go Hyung." Taehyung cried.

Taehyung fell in his brothers arms and he cried. All his pain and misery radiated in his sobs.

"Why did it have to be her hyung?" He cried

"She was always good and always wished for good."

"I can't live without her."

"If she dies kill me too." He begged.

Namjoon hugged his little brother tighter. His life was unfair and he hated this. Namjoon himself started crying. Taehyung lost his reason to live.

"Jimin watch out!" Jungkook warned.

But it was too late. Nami had struck Jimin, he flew back and collapsed on the ground.

Jimin has fought hard. But Nami was growing powerful every second. Jimins wings disappeared. He moved to the side coughing as he tried to stand up. Nami walked to him and said "Stop.. this and let me go."

She was going to cast another flash of magic on Jimin but Baekhyun pushed Nami to the side.

Jungkook quickly aided Jimin.

"You okay?" He asked

Jimin nodded.

"What are we going to do?" Jimin asked

"I guess we keep fighting..." Jungkook replied

Baekhyun put his wings out as a shield. Nami blasted continuous rays of magic towards Baekhyun.

"Angel of Justice... seems to be weak at the foot of a demon." Nami mocked.

Jungkook yelled "Baek!"

Baekhyun looked at Jungkook, Jungkook signalled him towards something. Baekhyun immediately understood the plan.

Jimin yelled "HEY!"

Nami stopped her magic and looked at Jimin.

"You wish to die warrior..." she barked. Her voice awfully high pitched.

Baekhyun quickly took opportunity of this situation and put a rock next to her. Before Nami could react Jungkook carried another rock and put it on the other side. Jimin put a rock on top of her. She was trapped inside.

"Will this hold her?" Jungkook asked

"Not for long." Baekhyun replied.

Namjoon Came and stood next to them.

"Hyung where is Tae?" Jungkook asked

"He needs to make his decision so im giving him his time." Namjoon replied.

Taehyung held the stake in his hand. This was the only way. He had no wish to continue with his life. That stake in his hand itself ruined him.
He wiped his eyes which had turned so red due to crying it looked like he wept tears of blood. He questioned a lot of things now, his own sanity. Nami didn't deserve this but he can't let her become a demon either.

This was the only way, for Nami and everyone else. But he cursed the existence of love.

"Love...It's more painful that beautiful." He whispered.

Nami broke the rocks with her magic. It barely kept her at bay for a few minutes. She yelled "You think that would've worked."

But before she could do anything else Taehyung stood in front of her. His hand ready to stake her.

Namis magic blasted everywhere. It created ruins. Everything was in a blur. Taehyung held her waist as he positioned the stake in front of her heart.

The demon yelled "No!"

Taehyung didn't have the power to push the stake in. He could never hurt her. No matter what, the demon may have been in her but she was still his Nami somewhere. But there was no way. Nothing could save her. He had to do this. He still couldn't push the stake in. He stood there Holding the stake crying at his god forsaken life.

Suddenly Namis eyes turned back to their normal colour.

She held Taehyungs hand that had the stake.

Taehyung looked at her and said "I can't do this.."

Nami said "We can do this."

She pressed the stake in her heart. Taehyung sobbed seeing her do this. Her body aching as the stake tore her skin. Blood spilling out.

She cried too as she said "It's okay Tae.. You know what's more painful..." she flinched as the stake went in deeper

"I.. I didn't have my first kiss yet..." she said in pain

Taehyung cried "I love you..."

Namis body was dying the stake had taken its effect.

"I love you too..." Saying this Nami closed her eyes forever.

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