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^(You're outfit In this Chappy)^

"Thanks again!" You shouted behind you as you left the taco place.

"No problem, but you kids be careful out there." The old lady behind the counter told you with concern in her voice. Xavier let out a chuckle beside you. "If only she knew"

"Ummmm Leo, PJ.... Why do we have to come all the way across the City to get the tacos when there are plenty of them in the North?" Skyro chimed in on the two boys dancing with the bags of food.

"Skyro! How many times do we have to go over this." Leo started explaining. "This place is something else, its tacos are made from love and affection, every taco is cared for and nurtured until you get it."

"Plus" PJ added cutting his twin off. "You have to admit the walks pretty nice, you know, clears your head, relaxing..."

"Hmm I guess your right" Skyro shot a smile at him. You giggled to your self as you thought about how everyone met and how you became a family. Everyone was really protective of each other and cared deeply for one another as if we've known each other our whole lives...which you actually have.... But that's for another time... The guys where like brothers to you and Skyro was like a little sister. You and Sam had a closer bond then everyone else so it was kind of felt like you where related by blood. And you felt like you had a responsibility to protect Skyro more than everyone else. But your group worked together, Sam was the quiet one, Skyro was the shy yet cheerful one, Xavier was the cocky one but knew when to be serious, Kyle was the ghost of the group, And the twin were the fun yet devilish ones, as for you, you where the anchor of the group, without you the whole group would probably fall apart.

You were about 5 blocks away from your house when Skyro jolted to a stop. Her head snapped up and her eyes were as big as deer caught in headlights.

"What's wrong Skyro?" You stated walking over to her only to be stopped.

"D-don't move, act natural. I think someone's following us...."

You pretended to laugh at a joke as you all continued walking.

Sam spoke softly so only your group could hear him "They've been following us for a while now, always at a safe distance away from us."

"About how many are there, Sister?" You asked Skyro, not wanting the people who may or may not be following you hear your names, your retorted to your Bloodbath and Beyond names to where everyone was either some form of brother or sister.

You and Skyro took the lead as you took a left instead of a right, leading away from your home. " I think about four, Brother?"

Sams' breathe hitched as he used his gift. "Four following us and four are coming closer."

You looked around adjusting your that was half way up your hat. "Anyone know where we are?" You asked looking at the twins, by now everyone had pulled up their hoods besides Skyro who didn't have one.

"Third group, maybe 20 blocks away?" Skyro squeaked.

"Brother, can you tell what they're thinking?" you asked as you saw the dark silhouettes of people crouching on one of the roofs to your right.

"They're all thinking the same thing" you all stopped in the middle of a four way street looking around you. "...... They want to capture us..."
Everyone tensed as you slowly continued walking, this time back towards your home. There are about thirteen of them in all, they're in groups of four, one has five." Sam said addressing you.

"Are they all –"

"Yes, they're all thinking the same thing. Capture Bloodbath and Beyond."

"Brothers, sister... I think it's time we disappeared.... But don't show them anymore than you have too."

They nodded at you as you quickly walked down the street and into a worn down diner.

A grouchy old woman appeared behind the counter looking SUPER bored with a monotone voice she asked. "Hello welcome to the Shamrock Café, how may I-"

"We just need to use the bathroom" You cut her off giving her a fake smile as you all rushed into the men's bathroom (Yes even you and Skyro).

Xavier ran into one of the stalls and made a portal on the back wall. "Everyone through now!"

Skyro went first, and then the twins, Kyle was about to step through when you heard the bathroom door swing open and may footsteps follow.... Sam looked at us with wide eyes "Go go go!" he whispered as he shoved you and Kyle through the portal. You landed in an awkward pile with Kyle.

"Y/N-Chan! What happened?"

Black mist started pouring out of the portal. "S-Sam...." Skyro stuttered, tears welling up in her eyes. You looked at Skyro then back at the portal. Without a glance back, you leapt back through the portal. Xavier was still trying to hold open his portal while the black smoke was filling up the room, you couldn't even see a foot in front of you... but you knew what would happen to those in the smog. It was one of Sam's Gifts; the smog caused people to go blind for a certain amount of time... You only had a certain amount of time until not only you, but Xavier too would also be affected, this gave you limited time and you had to move quickly. You ran through the smog dodging fists and legs as you called out for Sam.

"Brother! Brother!" Your calling for your best friend grew more frantic as you tried to yell over all the noise. Suddenly a body came barreling into you knocking the wind out of you. You groaned but quickly rolled over to see Sam looking back at you.


Come on we have to go!" You grabbed his hand as you ran with him back to Xavier who looked like he was ready to pass out.

"I'm so glad you fou- Watch out!"

You turned just in time to see a pair of arms wrap themselves around your waist and start to pull you away from the portal.



You tried to reach back to them but knew it would be of no use. You moved your head down and bit extra hard onto the arms holding you, giving you enough time to push Xavier and Sam through before your ankle was seized again. Whoever was holding you was very strong and you grew tired knowing that your friends were safe as you watched the portal disappear leaving a scorched black ring on the wall. You smiled to yourself knowing that your family would be okay and you passed out in the strangers' arms seconds after.

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