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~ Y/N's POV ~

You were stuck lying down on an old bed for you don't know how long; loosing yourself in your thoughts. You wondered if your family was okay or not. You knew that Skyro would be pretty sad and that broke your heart, but you knew you had to do what you did. You felt something cold and wet roll down your cheek. A tear.... You haven't cried since you found Skyro and the guys. The doors to the room opened as you quickly turned your head to whip the tear on your pillow, before turning your head back towards the door seeing Aqualad. You gave him a small smile as he continued into the room. You looked behind him and froze, your smile dropping instantly. There stood Batman himself with the Martian, Aquaman not far behind. Aqualad must have noticed because he walked over to you and crouched down beside the bed.

"Hey Y/N, we're not here to hurt you..." You glazed back at Aqualad, noticing the care in his voice.

"But, we're gunna need some answers... okay?" You had fear in your eyes as you looked back at the heroes standing back at the door. Swallowing a nervous gulp you turned your attention back to Kaldur, slightly nodding. He sent you a reassuring smile as the others walked farther into the room. You began to slightly freak out when everyone started advancing towards you. "It's okay, we just want to ask you some questions." The Martian Man Hunter spoke in a calming voice which relaxed you. "Let's get started, Who are the other members of Blood Bath And Beyond?" You hesitated slightly, thinking about what to say

"..... my family..."

"Would you please elaborate?"

You looked down at your left hand which was tugging at the sleeve of your orange jumpsuit.

"Why did you rob all those banks?"

You gulped, getting worried about what questions they were going to ask next.



A moment of silence passed before you continued, meeting the Martians eyes as you finished. "We did it to help ourselves, and others, survive."

He slightly nodded as he continued. "Where are the other members of Blood Bath And Beyond located?"

You froze, sadness coating your eyes. "H-home"

"And where is that?"




"Where is that?" He asked a little firmer this time.




A wave of fear went through you as you started to shake. Everything started closing in on you while you started panicking. Figures were approaching you from all sides as you started struggling against the chains that restrained you. Hands started pushing you down as you felt the chains cutting up your wrist and all the other places they laid. You let out a scream as a sharp pain went through your back, and before you knew it everyone was flung into the walls. Peering down you noticed that the chains broke off, and in a swift movement jumped off the bed only to have something weighing down your back. You looked over your left shoulder to see a pair of beautiful Grey Angel wings behind you. With a sigh you quickly made your way to the door, peeking out of it down the long hallway. You used your super sight to look down the long hallway, seeing a couple members of the justice league come out of a door, turning your way. You sprinted out of the room and in the opposite direction, knowing it wouldn't take them long to find out you were gone.

Left run right left run left turn around run. Sirens were going off left and right as the speakers blared with instructions on what to do. You took another left only to bump into something hard and fall straight on your bum. You groaned and looked up only to meet a pair of sparkling blue eyes. You gasped in surprise and quickly scrambled to your feet. Before you stood a fairly tall boy with raven hair and HUGE muscles, his shirt wore the sign of superman..... Oh great.... You gulped as you slowly backed up, eyes never leaving his as he stood there for a couple extra seconds before putting his fists in front of his face in a fighting stance. You turned around and bolted down the hallway, a pair of heavy footsteps following. You took some more turns before you got to a turn on your right and a hallway in front of you. Before you could process what happened a boy with short ginger hair appeared and started shooting arrows at you that would start foaming whenever it hit something. Turning right you continued running, slowly running low on stamina. You needed to catch your breath but you knew if you did you'd be caught, and who knew what they were going to do to you once they got you. A solution appeared when you notice a door that was still slightly open. You took your chances and bolted in, closing the door behind you. You held your breath as the footsteps passed, pressing your back on the door just in case. Looking around the room you saw some washing machines with carts full of orange jumpsuits. There were a couple shelves with cardboard boxes on them that had accumulated a thick layer of dust on them. Taking a step away from the door you let out a huff of air.

Great... now I'm trapped in a laundry room....

(I know the laundry rooms look different but just pretend this is an old/extra one)

With a grunt you held in your screams and you put your wings away. Reaching back, you touched the fabric of your orange jump suit, feeling two huge gashes in the back. Sighing you unbuttoned the top, tying the sleeves around your waist so your pants wouldn't fall off. Getting curious you started rummaging around the small room, looking through the boxes on the ground, digging through piles, before turning to the washing machines. You opened it and started throwing its contents out. A couple socks, Underwear, more socks, and a couple jumpsuits. Without hesitation you checked there sizes, luckily you found one that fit and stripped of the old, smelly one you once wore, replacing it with the new-ish one. Taking a step forward, you boasted yourself onto one of the massive machines; and with a grunt took one of the massive boxes down. Setting it by your feet you peered into it to see a bunch of collars in it. Setting the box aside you went to take another box down. You had barley gotten your hands around it before the entire shelf collapsed, the boxes fallowing after making a huge ruckus. You froze as you heard footsteps and shouts coming your way. Quickly looking around you found your escape route. Grabbing one of the collars from the pile of boxes now scattered across the floor you quickly used all your strength to push up on the vent above head until it cracked open with a pop. The door flew open as you hoisted yourself into the vents, crawling swiftly away.

You had been crawling for a while until you stopped, listening carefully behind you. The sounds of someone else in the vents were clearly heard. You quickly scurried away, looking through all the vents you passed looking for an exit. Looking through one you saw some prison guards and moved on quickly yet quietly. The next one was some office with a single man behind the desk. Time was running out fast, whoever was in the vents was gaining on your fast. You crawled around a corner peering down. Bingo. It was the cafeteria A.K.A. where all the inmates where sent in the time of panic. Snapping the collar around your neck you quietly swung the vent open, jumping out of the vent with a tight grip of the side of the vent so you wouldn't fall. You needed to get down without making a commotion but still shutting the vent. Looking around you sighed; closing your eyes you hung your head in defeat....

You were going to get caught...

This is the end...

You opened your eyes prepared to be taken away until you spotted a bush of silvery hair and grey-ish skin below you. Icicle Jr.! You carefully spit at him, hitting his arm.

He looked down at it and looked around clearly pissed. The person in the vents was too close for liking now as you resorted to desperate measures. You let go of the vent with one hand praying you didn't fall yet as you could feel you hand slipping. Quickly reaching down you ripped off your shoe and chucked it at his head.

Looking confused he looked around the room, by luck his eyes barley caught yours. His head quickly snapped back to your figure as he snickered, holding open his arms. You took a deep breath, grabbing the vent with one hand you closed it so it was resting against your other hand, and taking in another deep breath you let go of the vent, shutting the grate completely. You fell a little bit, closing your eyes until you felt a pair of strong arms around you. Peaking open your eyes you came face to face with a pair of cool blue ones looking back at you with something in their eyes you couldn't make out. Icicle Jr. quickly let you down, giving you your shoe back. Putting it on your quickly grabbed his hand and started slipping through the crowd, stopping about 13 meters from where you once were.

"I see you got yourself a fancy collar" he said n a hushed voice.

You nodded with a smile.

"Why were you in the ve-"

Before he could finish his sentence the vent opened up and Boy wonder jumped down, landing on a table. The villains didn't look happy to say the least to see him here. Not even minutes later the rest of the Young Justice League and Justice League appeared through the doors on the balcony, spreading themselves out evenly. Without warning the guards pushed a button on their remotes causing all of the inmates to get a huge shock, not even the strongest of the strongest was left standing. Your collar of course was old so it didn't work, dropping on all fours you started groaning in pain, letting out a yelp one in a while like the other inmates around you. Slowly one by one everyone stood up again, some with a little help by others. The shock must have stopped so you slowly stood shaking a little to seal the deal. With both arms you latched onto Icicle Jr. and helped him rise onto shaky feet.

"You okay there Icey?" You asked in a very hushed whisper.

He lightly chuckled at the nickname you gave him, finding it slightly adorable. (which he would never admit out loud)

"Yeah, I'm okay babe." He replied smirking at the new nickname.

Scoffing you slightly pushed his shoulder lightly with yours before Superman stepped up to the front of the railing, clearing his throat he spoke rather loudly.

"We know the Y/N, a member of Blood Bath and Beyond is hiding in here." Whispers went through the crowd as you rolled your eyes. "Come out and surrender now or you'll leave us no choice." You gazed over every person standing on the balcony before resting on Aqualad. He slowly turned his head and met your stare. Within seconds every member on the teams look at you too.

"Eh, it was fun while it lasted." You shrugged; kissing icey's cheek by the corner of his mouth, causing him to look a bit shocked. You turned your back to him, unbuttoning the top part of your jump suit while standing up on a table; tying the sleeves around your waist, leaving your top in a black sports bra. You held your arms out wide and dramatically popped your hip out giving them jazz hands. "Here is am." You lazily sung.

Before any of them could do anything a giant circle with what looked like blue flames whipped up from the sides appeared on the wall over to your far right. Out stepped six figures in black spandex material body suites whom you instantly recognized, aslight grin breaking on your face.

The figure towards the front with a rich, light brown skin tone spoke.

"Did we miss anything?"

Not Whom You Seem To Be (Young Justice X Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα