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"Hot chocolate's ready!"

You called form the makeshift kitchen, pulling back the dirty orange and yellow cloth that separated it from the living room and walked in, expertly balancing a tray filled with 7 mugs on it. The living room its self was nothing special. It was a medium sized room that had a spiral staircase going up to your left, a huge, dirty, green and brown rug covering majority of the floor, a flat screen TV on the wall across and a little to the right from you with an ugly, orange, stained couch in front of it that could only fit about 3 people.

There was about a six-foot gap in between the couch and the TV with two faded, red and blue bean bags filling in the gap on the left and 3 bean bags filling the gap on the right, making an enclosed box. Directly behind the couch was a dark wooded, rickety looking table that was as high as the couch itself and was pushed all the way up against the couch with had no chairs around it.

To the right of the table was a three-and-a-half-foot gap between it and a rusty door that lead to the rest of the warehouse. To your immediate right the wall stretched back, adding a box like space to the small rectangular area. In the square like area, up against the wall with the door was an old foosball table that was missing some people out of it.

Across from the foosball table, on the wall that was shared with the kitchen on the other side, was another flat screen TV that had multiple colorful cords coming out of it and stretching down the long cupboard under it which visibly held a Wii and an Xbox one, completed with an array of games.

Another rug was spread across the floor but was a shabby dirt color that had defiantly seen better days. A couch that matched the other once was placed in front of the TV with a little more space in-between it and the wall and was a little smaller in size.

Wandering over to the gaming part of the living room you walked in front of the TV with your tray.

"Hey Y/N sit down!"

"You're gunna make me lose!"

Leo and PJ yelled while trying to look behind you while still expertly mashing the buttons on their controllers. Giggling to yourself you quickly popped a squat in front of the cabinet and placed the two tallest, yellow mugs of gingerbread hot chocolate on one of the empty shelves.

"Y/N out of the way!"


A course of complaints was heard as you stood up and scrambled to the foosball table behind them.

"GOALLLLLL!" Skyro yelled as she did a little happy dance "5 to 3! C'mon Kyle, ya gotta be quicker than that!"

She plopped the ball back in as her and Kyle battled it out again.

Taking the smallest ceramic mug that had a small chip in the top and the wide green mug into your hand, you set the Lemongrass-Lavender White and the Vegan Chai Hot Chocolate on their respected sides of the table.

"Yay! Another one! 6 to 3!...Oh thanks Y/N!"

Skyro happy gleamed as she gave you a big hug while Kyle quietly thanked you, took a sip, and smiled.

A warm smile appeared on your lips as you continued to saunter through the bean bags and into the actual living room. Bending over you handed Sam his tall purple mug full of Eggnog Mexican Hot Chocolate. He nodded his head at you and offered a small smile before sitting back into his bean bag.

With only two mugs left, you wandered over to Xavier whom was watching some action movie on the TV. Sensing your presence by him, he gazed over at you and smiled. Using his powers, his body turned to a metal looking substance as he grabbed the handle less mug with both hands, the heat of his Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate not bothering him one bit and leaned up to wrap his arm left around your waist and tug you down next to him.

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