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You lightly groaned as you slowly opened your eyes to be blinded by a white light. Your limbs were tightly tied down to a metal table (Like the ones were you're still standing up, but your tilted back a ways? Do you know what I mean?) by a couple think chains that were wrapped around you a couple times. You looked around to see that you were alone in the room; no other person or object was there. A black box hung from the ceiling over to your right a ways, a speaker. In front of you was a glass wall with a room behind it with a ton of control panels. You struggled slightly against the chains to no avail until the doors behind the glass swung open and three figures walked in. You immediately recognized them for you've seen them on TV before, Robin, Batman, and The Martian Man Hunter. You moved your gaze back and forth between the three figures, no one daring to make the first move. Batman reached over and pushed a big blue button on one of the control panels as The Martin Man Hunter spoke into a tiny mike.

"Hello, we mean you no harm, I am The Martin Man Hunter and this here is The Dynamic Duo, Batman and Robin."

You stayed silent as you watched their every movement.

"we mean you no harm"


"Do you have a name?"


"You probably want to know where you are first, right? And probably why we're asking you this. You are at Belle Reve Prison, one of the most secure prisons in the world. And we're asking you this because we checked our facial recognition data base and you're not in it. So we would like to know who you are if you do not mind."

O great they took you to a prison....

"Now can you please answer the question? We really do prefer the easy, way not the hard. "

Silence again.

The man slowly backed away from the panels and walked over to the door leading to the room where you were held in. He quickly phased through the door and walked up to you.

"Once again I shall ask for your name before you leave me with no choice."

You snickered as he slightly glared at you letting go of a sigh. "Then you leave me with no choice." He placed his palms on your temples as he closed his eyes. Letting out a frustrated huff he opened his eyes, looking back at Batman and Robin shaking his head, they nodded back as he turned to me. "If you say something we'll let you go to the mess hall to eat and socialize for a full twenty four hours."

You slightly grinned as you motioned him to come closer to you. He cautiously abided to your wishes, inching his head closer. With a small yet elegant voice you whispered.


He looked at you confused before he turned to the others reciting your words carefully. Batman nodded and signaled to let you go to the mess hall, which shocked the martin in front of you. You laughed in your head as he walked over to release you from the table. He gently pushed you forward toward the door, phasing you through as you continued forward. You passed a confused Robin on your way out the next door.

"Batman I don't get it, what did she say?"


You smirked as pair of cuffs were put on your wrists, then the Martin led you through another set of doors to a crowded hallway.

This must be the rest of their teams

Every head looked up at you as you walked past them, stopping a little bit down the hallway. Green lantern walked closest to you on your left while most of the other people there followed behind, their guards up.

"Don't try anything" He spoke sternly as he pushed you forward through a set of huge double doors.

Not Whom You Seem To Be (Young Justice X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now