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~Robin's POV~

"God, they sure are taking their own sweet time up there..."

Wally mumbled out as he threw another pebble at the hanging blue tarp in the middle of the room, hitting it with deadly precision. The once small pile of stones at the foot of the blue plastic grew double in size from the last time I checked, indicating just how long it's truly been since the members of Blood Bath and Beyond disappeared to change into "proper attire".

"Hey, I'm sure it won't take them too much longer!.... Right?" M'Gann squeaked out, trying her best to lighten the mood.

"I mean we've only been here for about.... 45 minutes...."

A collective groan rose up from me and the rest of Kaldur's team. This was becoming ridiculous. Bending my arm out in an "L" shape in front of me, I flip open my minicomputer in an attempt to check the tim-

Incoming Video Call

Caller I.D.


The letters slowly scrolled across the screen in giant blue font a couple times before I could fully process what was going on.

"Oh shit..."

The rest of my team perked up at the sound of my distressed voice. I looked upon them with panic in my eyes.

"Batman's calling..."

As soon as those simple words passed through my lips, all hell broke loose.

"Answer it! Wait no don't answer it! Wait no!

"We're dead, we're so 100% absolutely dead..."

"*hysterical crying* I-I-I do-don't-t wanna l-l-leave the te-e-eam! *more crying*"

"I shall except my resignation as leader with honor"

"Pft He can't punish me anymore, I'm not even on the team!.... right?... I'm safe..... right guys?."

"Well don't just stand there!"

"What are we going to do?!"

"We're doomed! We're so doomed! *more hysterical crying*"

I hastily swiped the screen, causing batman's face to appear across the screen with the rest of the Justice Team behind him. I quickly brought the screen really close to my face so that I'd be the only thing he could see and quickly wacked a couple people to quiet them down.

"Oh hey! Batman! Nice of you to call!"


"Yeah, you need something?"

I stuttered out quickly as he glared through the screen at me.

"Move the camera away from your face."

"Uhhhh it is away from my face, what do you mean?"

"Robin! Where are you and the rest of your team located."

"Uhhhhh weee uh went on a walk around the harbor!"


"I-Is that all you wanted to know? Because if it is I'd really like to get back to m-"


I spun on my heels as Conner bounced down the stairs from the second floor, giving him hush signs.

"They're gone!"

My mouth dropped open and my eyes grew wide as I stared at him along with the rest of the team. Seeing our confusion, Conner let out a deep sigh before explaining.

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