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Before any of them could do anything a giant circle with what looked like blue flames whipping up from the sides appeared on the wall over to your far right. Out stepped six figures in black spandex material body suites whom you instantly recognized, a slight grin breaking on your face.

The figure towards the front with a rich, light brown skin tone spoke.

"Did we miss anything?"


Scoffing, you rolled your eyes at Xavier. "Took ya long enough!"

"Hey it's not my fault! These two wanted to stop and get tacos!" He yelled thrusting his finger towards the twins who were smiling innocently, a little sauce from the tacos on the corner of their mouths.

"It's good to see you again.... We were worried something happened to you." A very quiet voice by your left spoke, placing a hand on your shoulder. Peaking over you spotted Kyle. He's always been the quiet one of the group so it surprised you that he was talking now. You gave him a small smile before you turned back towards the Justice League.

"Now....Can I go home? I kind of wanna sleep in my own bed tonight. That last one gave me a knot in my back" You spoke stretching your arms behind your head.

The Martian man hunter stepped forward with narrow eyes "I'm afraid we can't do that.... Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way...."

Whispers went through the crowd of criminals, almost everyone was asking the same thing.... Are they Blood Bath and Beyond?
Glancing at your family for a quick moment before you started slightly giggling to yourself, tying your jumpsuit tighter around your waist.

"Hmmmmm I wonder what we should do?"

"Such a decision..."

The twins spoke waltzing around the huge table they were standing on (not literally waltzing people -.-). Their voices would give any normal person chills.

"Well it's really simple brother...."

"Oh I suppose so..."

"Let's have some...."


The spoke the last sentence together, making a chill go down everyones backs.

"It looks like we chose the hard wayyy..." they sang giving the Leagues their signature smirk.

Before anyone could comprehend what was happening PJ started releasing a foggy mist that had a greenish hue to it. It was so thick that you could only make out everyone's shadows. The mist rose to about everyone's chests and was still rising. Taking one last glance up at the League who had their guards up, you grabbed Kyles hand and bolted across tables to the other member of you team. Wasting no time, the League started to jump down into the mist in attempt to catch you.

"NOW!" You screeched as you felt your wings rip through the soft flesh of your back. Letting out one last screech you quickly grabbed Kyle and Sam in your arms. See your wings were special. When you wanted to, you could turn them into hard, grey sheets of amour like material. They could protect you from almost anything. You had barely wrapped wings around Sam, Kyle, and yourself when loud bangs could be heard and an intense heat searing at your back were your wings didn't cover. In an instant, you and the guys were thrown off the table on onto the floor. Waiting a couple seconds, you finally opened your wings and all three of you popped up to see Xavier protecting Skyro with his invincible form, which was a sleek, metallic, light grey that covered his body and the other inmates either hiding under the tables or yelling like a maniac with severe burns on their bodies. Leo and PJ were just standing on a table in the middle of the chaos laughing, admiring their work. Snapping your attention back to the league you noticed a couple of them were burned, while three of them were passed out cold; one of which was Kaldur. Slight guilt bubbled up inside you before you pushed the thought aside. Giving a slight nod to your team, you took action.

Leaping table to table like a predator chasing its prey, you leapt forward, grabbing the railing were most of the League was standing and swung yourself up. Using your momentum, you swung your legs and kicked a blonde lady with a black leotard into the wall behind them. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed a fist coming straight at your temple, but before you could block it a man of silver popped up, grabbing the fist in their hand and crushing it with their grip. Giving Xavier a slight smirk, you turned back to the group only to be tackled over the railing. You could tell it was a guy based on the muscle structure as you fell. You awkwardly landed on your left wing causing you to let out an ear deafening screech. Tears built up in your eyes as you threw the person you tackled you off. Sitting up in a crouch you cautiously looked behind you to see your wing bent and snapped at a couple weird angles. Casting your gaze back towards the boy that pushed you, you couldn't help but look past him to see the chaos that was going on. The inmates were rioting, their collars off and their powers working. PJ and Leo's blast must have made them glitch out. Guards were being attacked left and right as they tried to break the doors down. A gust of wind brought you out of your trance. In front of you stood a ginger wearing a skin tight yellow and red suit with flash's symbol on it.

"Admiring your handy work?" He spat at you, disgust coating his voice.

No, this isn't what you wanted, this isn't what any of you wanted....

"People like you disgust m-"

Before he could finish you punched him across the face causing him to go flying.


In an instant your family was standing by you.

"Sister what is it?" Sam asked hoarsely.

"Take a look around.... Is this really what we wanted? Innocent people are getting hurt!"

"This isn't right..." Skyro whimpered out. Kyle soon adding on.

"This isn't us."

Xavier let out a sad chuckle before gazing at everyone's faces.

"Wanna try to do the right thing one last time before we get sent to this hell hole for eternity?"

Everyone responded with small smiles. In an instant you all ran around, finding different members of the Leagues trying to fight off the many criminals in a losing battle. You sprinted over to Superman and the boy you saw earlier who wore the same symbol on his chest. They were both trying to hold of the Terror Twins, and doing a pretty decent job, but that was before Killer Frost joined in. Leaping up you landed on Killer Frosts shoulders, twisting your legs you swiftly brought her down to the ground and kicked her knocking her out. Looking back up at Superman, the boy, and the Terrors, you noticed Xavier standing with the twins in a pile at his feet. Superman and the boy look completely shocked as you sent them a tiny nod in approval before sprinting away with Xavier to help someone else. You and the team were taking down countless inmates as you went along, leaving the few who weren't fighting for some reason, until a scream broke you out of your trance. Whipping around you saw Sportsmaster and Cheshire cornering a couple of guards, their weapons ready. Sportsmater wielded a chained with a big metal ball at the end while Cheshire had her classic Sais. How they go the weapons, you don't know.... But you knew you had to stop em'. Sprinting at you top speed you flashed across the room, your back was flaring up from where it got badly burnt earlier. You wanted to stop from the pain... but you knew you couldn't. Just as sportsmaster went to swing his weapon upon the defenseless guards. You dove at them, ending up with you hitting Cheshire into a wall, knocking her out... but you hit sportsmaster square in the right shoulder making him to spin around and for you to land right in front of the guards in a heap. Taking a couple good steps back he smirked, still backing away.

"Goodnight" He said with a smirk as he threw a hockey puck at you, and before you knew it. A bright light flashed and pain sired up through your body....

Until everything went black....

Not Whom You Seem To Be (Young Justice X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now