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You silently observed the people in the prison, finally noticing the collars around their necks. There were people that you'd seen on TV plenty of times to know by name, others you've never heard of.

A noise that almost sounded like a light switch flickered, then a big TV on one of the walls turned on displaying a news reporter, Elizabeth Smith to be exact, the reporter who always covered the stories on you and your team... or as you like to call them, your family.


"Late last night in Northwest Gotham it is believed that a Blood Bath And Beyond member was caught after having a throw down with the Justice League and their sidekicks."

The screen changed to show the woman working in the diner the night you went in.

"Yeah it sure did happen! I was minding my own business serving my customers when a group of teens walked in! Rude ones at that! I think about seven? They all went into the boys bathroom... even the girls! I just shrugged it off minding my own business when all of a sudden I had the Justice League swarming the place! One minute they're here causing a ruckus, the next they're gone! Leaving a huge mark on my wall!"

"You said teens?"

"Yep! Teens! At least I think so."

"Do you remember what they looked like?"

"If you count the back of some hoodies. They all kept their hoods up, I only saw a girl with light brown pigtails and another one with bright (Y/E/C) eyes." *your eye color*

"Is that all?"

"Yep, that's all I got."

"Well thank you very much miss.... Eh.... "

"Miss Ell"

"*Smiles* Miss Ell, Thank you for your tim-"

"O and one more thing!......... Come on down to the Shamrock Café! Tonight we have a special on Clam Chowder! And you can even see the spot that the Justice League took down part of Blood Bath And Beyond!"

"WELL! That's all for tonight folks! Elizabeth Smith signing out."

The TV switched back to the news reporters sitting behind a desk.

You slightly smirked as you moved your eyes back down to the table. God how you missed everyone...... they probably really missed you too.........

Your Smirk slightly faulted as theses thoughts ran through your head. You wondered how they where and if they got in trouble yet. No, they couldn't have, if they had it would have been all over the news by now. But that still doesn't shake the feeling th-

"Hey sweet cheeks."

You snapped out of your train of thought cautiously looking at the person across from you. A boy around your age stood there staring at you with a grin on his face. You quietly observed his silver like hair color that was perfectly sticking out and his oddly pale complexion, almost grey in a way.

"The names Icicle Jr., my dad is kind of like the big shot here, you know?

(I know that the boys and girls are usually separated but pretend they aren't for the moment oki? They had a "field" day because you came there.)

He gazed back at you, his smirk slightly faltering. "Mind if I sit here?" He questioned with a tilt of his head.

You just looked to your right, watching the other inmates socialize.

"Not much of a talker huh?"


You didn't know if you could trust this guy and you weren't going to risk it.

"That's okay, I don't mind. In my opinion, most people here should try picking up a few things from you."

You laughed lightly to yourself, cracking a small smile at Icicle Jr.

"Oh! Oh my, world! She smiles!" He joked, waving his arms around in a grand gesture.

You smiled at him again.

"Hey, time for you to go back." A gruff voice behind you spoke. You stood up stepping out of the bench, but before you left you quickly looked at Icicle Jr. "Thanks" You barley whispered so only he could hear you. You could feel his eyes boaring hole in your back as you walked back through the door with green torch as everyone else called him. As soon as you exited the doors you where immediately escorted back to your "room" by once again the mob of super "heroes". Once you entered you walked over to the table and stood there, waiting for them to strap you in again. While you where standing there you mad eye contact with a girl who had..... green skin? You shifted you eyes down to her hands to see a syringe and a couple needles. You started shaking with fear, what were they going to do to you? She looked over at you and her eyes grew wide

"B-batman? What's wrong with he-"

Your head started getting dizzy and you collapsed to your knees in, everything started blurring together. You were going in and out of conscious, the last thing you remember was a gush of wind and arms holding you up, followed by yelling.

Not Whom You Seem To Be (Young Justice X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now