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~No one's POV~

The Sticky October air clung onto the Justice League alongside their apprentices. The soft blue glow of the flames behind them disappeared as the last member stepped through, leaving them to stand alone on top of a run down, brick apartment complex.

"Where the hel-heck are we?" The Flash spoke as he sped over to the edge of the roof, peering over as a few members followed behind him.

The teams were confused as they peered around the dingy area. Why would they be brought here? Was it all just one big distraction? Was it a trap? What was Blood Bath and Beyonds' endgame?

"Well we're still in Gotham, I recognize the layout of some of these buildings." Batman spoke out, tapping away on his minicomputer.

"L-Look! There they are!" Artimis's voice rang out as every person and alien on the roof rushed over in a stampede towards the edge of the roof that the archer was pointing her finger off of.

Sure enough, walking down the street towards them with their heads held high was Blood Bath and Beyond. They were clad in sleek looking dresses and suits embellished with fancy jewelry. Y/N and Skyro led the way followed by Sam and Xavier, then Pj and Leo, and lastly Kyle, who was meekly walking behind the pairs.

But what caught the team's attention the most weren't their clothes or their presence in general, but instead it was the two, black leather duffle bags held in Xavier and Sam's hands while a third one was being casually swung in-between PJ and Leo's arms.

"What the hell are they up to...."

"I don't know but I don't like it whatever it is..." Batman responded to his green cladded teammate.

"Batman, should we stop them? It wouldn't be that ha-"

"No. Not in public it would draw too much unwanted attention."

"But Batman we can't just let the-"

"No Robin... We'll wait and see what they plan on doing. Then and only then, we may act if deemed fitting."

Said boy instantly clamped his mouth shut and hung his head slightly, adverting his attention back to the villains at hand. A comforting hand covered in a red glove gently patted Robin's back reassuringly, trying to ease their best friend's stress.

Blood Bath and Beyond continued sauntering down the sidewalk until they all abruptly stopped and turning towards a building that was in significantly better shape that the ones around it. Toys of various shapes and colors were scattered across the grey stone steps that led up to the wooden front door.

Batman barley had enough time to sputter out a few commands before the villains ascended the stairs and rang the once pearl white doorbell.

"J'onn, M'gann, follow them... Quickly."

The two green aliens disappeared before their friend's very eyes, the only indication of where they were was a slight whoosh of dirt here and there or the occasional newspaper and trash flying away as they flew towards the teens.

Mind link up.

The older martian's voice rang out through both of the Justice League teams' heads as they all held their weapons tightly by their sides, prepared to spring into action on a whim.

A woman in her late 30's appeared at the door. Her brown hair was messy and hanging out of the low bun and into her tired and worn face. A dirty apron covered the blue fabric of her ankle long dress and a matching swaddle of cloth was cradled gingerly in her left arm.

Upon seeing the visitors at her door her face instantly lit up with joy as a smile grew its way onto her face. Leaving the door to swing fully open behind her, the woman flung her available arm around Y/N and brought her into a hug before moving back to Xavier and Sam who received the same treatment. The woman continued her welcomes before a small child came running out from the house, no older than 5, screaming on at the top of her lungs.

"Mr. Greewne!"

The small child jumped up and planted herself firmly onto the Xavier's leg. The distance pitter patter of feet on a hardwood floor could be heard from the top of the building the Teams were standing on as a swarm of children belonging to various age groups piled out from the building and attached themselves to the group of teens gathered on the steps.

Bewilderment swept throughout the heroes perched upon the roof top. The group had obviously been here before based on the reaction form the children. But Mr. Green? Did the woman not know who they were?

They're heading inside.

What should we do?

The clear voices of their two Martian teammates rang through their minds. Without hesitation Batman replied.

Follow them.

Y/N, Skryo, then Xavier. One by one the villains filtered through the door. Sam, then Kyle, who pushed his way to the front. PJ and Leo were last, but they hesitated on the doorstep. A sickly green gas bellowed out into the air in front of the door, creating a wall between the Martians and the group of villains. PJ and Leo spun around in the toxin and shot dangerous glares straight at the two invisible Justice members.

J'onn and M'gann audibly gasped through the mind link as Leo and PJ backed into the fog and disappeared through the giant wooden door of the house, clicking it shut firmly behind themselves. The green cloud of poison slowly dispersed as the teams sat in silence.

W-...What now?

M'gann anxiously asked, wanting to distance herself from her once friends.

The flash responded, still in a state of slight fear from the two boys.

We wait... I guess?

So that's what they did. They waited. For an hour and a half, they waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. The teams were sullen with boredom as they watched Artemis beat Wally in tic tac toe for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"No fair you're cheating! You just have to be!"

The blonde just rolled her eyes at the fuming ginger and simple scratched another game upon the rooftop with a rock.

A commotion from the street caused their game to halt as the teens to rush to the side of the rooftop. Sure enough, Xavier, or I guess Mr. Green, and the rest of his team were leaving the house. Bidding goodbye to the children, they hugged a few before all hugging the woman together then dispersing down the grey steps of the building, skillfully dodging the toys littered upon them.

Fed up was an understatement. The Justice teams were furious at the group of villains casually making their way down the sidewalk, the duffle bags having disappeared from their presence, before ducking into an alley a few houses from the one they just emerged from.

Batman! Should w-

Go, go now!

But what about cover-


The teens didn't question him any further as they dropped, flew, ran, and jumped across the rooftops toward their targets. All entrances and exits to the alley were instantly covered by the Justice teams. Looking down into the darkness, the ginger archer let out a yell of frustration.

"For fucks sake!"

Sighing, they knew what they had to do. Running forward and jumping down, one by one the heroes disappeared through the black vast and blue flames twisting and whipping around the portal.

To Be Continued...

Not Whom You Seem To Be (Young Justice X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن