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Get captured by super heroes

Get sent to prison

Save family

You mentally thought as you plopped down on one of the cool metal benches in the huge mess hall. You sat down and waited for Green Lantern to get back with your food while everyone else waited outside of the huge double doors leading out of the giant room. The room its self was huge and open with many tables and benches, but there was a huge glass wall splitting the room in half, which you later figured out separated the girls and the guys. You sat with your back straight, hands in your lap, and right leg crossed over your left, as you gaze around the room holding your head high. You refused to look weak, looking as "classy" as you could. You could hear the quiet mumbles of everyone and their gazes on you

"Hey, is that her?"

"No way.....she's so young"

"But then why is Green Torch following her around."

"I heard they caught a member of Blood Bath and Beyond.,,,is it true?"

You guessed you were kind of famous among the inmates there. You continued to look around the room, casually meeting every ones gaze. A buff girl with bleach blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail met your gazed and smirked walking over to you. She plopped down across from you, lazily leaning back.

"So, a little birdy told me that we got a new inmate, someone from Blood Bath And Beyond.....You wouldn't happen to know who this is...would you?"

Everyone became silent at the girls assumptions. She slightly snickered to herself leaning across the table sticking her hand out towards you.

"Tuppence Terror"


You swore you could hear the tension in the air.

"You gunna say anything" Tuppence said with slight annoyance in her voice. You just continued to gaze straight ahead, looking at nothing really.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Tuppence had now reached her peak and was like pot of water, boiling over.

"Does there seem to be a problem?" A voice asked from behind you.

The girl in front of you huffed out in annoyance then turned around, starting to storm off, then she stopped, turned around, and headed back towards you and Green Torch.

"You know what! I do have a problem!" She screeched, slamming her fist on the table creating quite a ruckus.

"Who the hell is this woman! She doesn't have a collar, AND she's getting escorted around by the Justice league?!?!"

She turned to you and started leaning her face closer from across the table.

"What's wrong Princess? You scared? Cats got your tongue?"

Before you could process what was happening, she was sent to the ground shaking while electricity sparked around the collar she was wearing. You looked around to see a guard standing up on a ledge, blocked off by a railing, holding a little remote. She smirked and released the button, causing the shocking to stop. Tuppence slowly got up and walked away.

"Here's your food...."

The member of the Justice league spoke putting a tray down in front of you. The tray contained a small sandwich, water and a bag of chips. Not what you'd expect in a prison. You just continued to stare blankly ahead, ignoring the food, where you were, everyone and everything that would remind you. But soon you got used to it, remembering how you got there. You where proud that you protected your family.... And nothing would change that.

Not Whom You Seem To Be (Young Justice X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now