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Gasping, you woke up to a start. White. White everywhere. Breathing heavily, you scanned around the room you were in, but all you could see was a white tiled floor. Grunting you tried to pull yourself up off your stomach, only to have a searing pain spur throughout your body, causing you to collapse back on the bed you were on. Firmly you pushed your left arm up off the table, only for it to be held down a couple inches off the table. Groaning in frustration you relaxed back against the table (it's a table like the one you'd lay on when you're getting a massage that has the place on the top of the bed for you to put your face when laying on your stomach), the chains clanking as you did so; but the silence only lasted for a minute.

"Y/N?" A voice quietly whispered off to your left.

"Y/N? You awake?"

Lifting your head, you rested the right side of your face on the bed. Looking around you concluded that you must've been in the infirmary with the number of white beds and cabinets full of different bottles. After taking a good scan of the place your eyes settled on the male figure to your left. Sam.

"Hey you okay?"

"Yeah," You spoke looking at all the bandages that covered him. "how are the others?"

"I think they're fine for the most part, Skyro's still out cold but everyone else seems fine bedsides for a couple bumps and bruises."

"We really went all out didn't we" You asked chuckling.

"Yeah I guess so."

You instantly noticed the sorrow in his eyes that he tried so hard to cover up.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Nothing too bad... just... your wings..."

Panicking, you desperately tried to look at your wings.

"Y/N Y/N! Calm down!" he whisper shouted.

"It's okay it's okay! They're still there!"

You breathed out a sigh in relief knowing that they were still there. You don't know what you'd do without them. They make you feel complete, whole.

"They're just...." He swallowed a lump in his throat before he continued, causing anxiety to grow inside you. "It's just that... when I saw you, at the prison...they just didn't look too good. They looked.... Broken..."

"Well I can say the same about you Mr." You spoke with humor in your voice. You'd be lying if you said that he looked okay. You could only see from his shoulders up due to the white blanket wrapped around him. But from what you could see, he looked like he had a broken nose and a big black bruise high up on his right cheek.

"You look like shit. But why'd you get a blanket and I didn't?" You pouted, feeling a draft.

"Maybe because I don't have huge ass wings spurting out of my back."

"They could've just .... Idk put a heater by me or something"

Sam looked at you like you were stupid "Oh yeah cuz that makes so much sense."

"I don't know."

"You look pretty good without a top on."

"You should dress like this more often." The twins said together

You playfully glared at Leo since PJ was on the other side of him so you couldn't see him.

"Huh? Y/N? no top? What?" A husky voice said from the other side of Sam.

PJ's voice was soon heard "Hey buddy! Glad you're awake!"

The sound of a door sliding open followed by footsteps interrupted the conversation. Everyone instantly grew quiet.... Well, almost everyone

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