Chapter 2 - the park and singing

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Laura's POV

I woke up by the sound of music loud in my ears. I shot up and. Noticed it was Jennifer playing one direction on my stero. Typical her.

Whenever she's around she always plays loud music to wake me up.

I woke up and we both got changed, I changed into some jean shorts with a pink top. And some flip flops. Jennifer changed into jean shorts and a top that says 'POWER' she then put on her dolly shoes. I put my hair into a bun. And she put hers into a plat. We both did some light makeup. And before we knew it we were done.

We went downstairs and ate some toast. I then decided to ask.

"Hey Jennifer should we go to the park" I spoke

"Yh but u ask"

"No I asked about u sleeping so u ask"

"Fine but she always says no when I ask"


"So can u ask " she asked while giving me the cutest puppy eyed face ever.

And so I gave in.

"Fine but next time ur asking"

I went into the living room where my Mum is and asked her the only reason why I'm asking my mum is Bocoz my kezzabear ant here yet.

"Mum can me and Jennifer go to the park plzzzz " I asked while giving my puppy eyed face.

"Yes but be careful while crossing the roads"

"Mum I'm 15 not 5 and Jennifer's 13 not 3"

"I don't care just be careful."

I nodded then went to tell Jennifer.

I went upstairs to my room and told her.

"So what did she say" she asked

I put on my saddest face ever, " she said no coz ur 13."


"SIKES we r allowed I was only joking."

"I hate u "

"Aww I hate u 2 "

We then laughed and went to the park.


We both ran to the swings and started chatting away. But then minutes later she put her head down and stayed quiet.

"What's up" I asked her

"Britney and Cameron is here"

I looked over and yh she was right.

See Britney and Cameron are Jennifer's bully's. They are only 12 and 13. I don't know why they bullie her I mean c'mon. I just think they r jelous of her. Britney looks like a crayon has just attacked her. And Cameron is just one piece of ugly shite, and there's Jennifer she's not a fake Barbie doll and she's not ugly.

"Maybe we should just go back home" I offered, she nodded then we both went back home and up to my room.

"Maybe we should.....umm....SINGGGG" I said

"Yhhh okay I'll get my kindle and go on YouTube" she said. I nodded then she went to get it.

Seconds later she came back up with her kindle. We closed the door and she went on YouTube and typed in the one and only our boys........BARS AND MELODY..

When it started to play. We both sang along. See the rule is she sings leondres bit and I sing Charlie'sbit.

J- Jennifer's bit

M-my bit

J- plz help me god I feel so alone I'm just a kid I can't do this on my own, I've cried to many tears yh writing this song try a fit in where do I belong. My mums always asking why I'm always alone. To scared to say to scared to holler. Walking to school sweating round my collar, I wanna tell my mum but she's having trouble with my dad, I'm just a kid I don't won't no stress my nerves are bad my life's a mess. So PLZ mr bully tell me what I done u know I don't have a dad I'm living with my mum.

(See Jennifer don't always get the lyrics wright but we do try)

M- coz I'm hopeful yes I am hopeful for today take this music and use it let it take u away I know it ant easy but that's okay just be hopeful.

We then sang the rest and finished the song.

After that we sang more songs like. Shining star,who says ,live while we r young, and more

A/n sorry if short,

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