hospital..and coma

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charlies pov

she ran out, just like that. i ran out after her but saw the most terrible thing, she was lying on the ground,blood everywhere,i panicked. i ran in and shouted


they gave me confuse looks but called them.

i rushed out to laura sitting by her side. "please be okay, im so sorry" i wispered to her.

bout 2 minutes later the ambulance came. they carefully but rushly strapped her to the bed thing, and into the amublance, then they drove to the hospital.

by the time, everyone was outside.

"do u wanna go charlie" blair  asked. yes blair was here too

"no" i said then went for a walk. i couldnt see her, its my fault she got ran over. all becase i came here, its all my fault now she might not even make it.. i hate my self. wish i could restart everything..

jennifers pov

"well can u take me and jess as its my cousin please" i asked

i hope shes okay. i should of came home with her instaed of staying behind then this wouldnt of happened..

me,leondre and jess all got in the car. with blair driving.

"go find charlie, we will update u on any news okay" blair said before backing up and driving to the hospital.


when we arrived, we went in and up to the desk

"what room is laura kelly in" yes her name was laura kelly, but she hates it.thats why we dont say her last name.

"209 but u cant go in just yet, so just wait outside the door please" we all nodded then rushed to her room and waited outside.

i began crying, wouldnt u if ur best cousin just got ran over and might not make it through..

leondre must of noticed me, as he pulled me into a hug, man i love his hugs..

about 30 minutes later a doctor came out.

"can we speak to the oldest and responiable one please" he said looking around

"yes thats me" blair said

they both went to a private area and spoke. hope shes okay.

blairs pov (:0)

"well laura is slipped into a dangerous coma, we think she may not make it through but we will leave it 3 weeks to see if she wakes up, she also has a broken arm,and damaged ribbs but they will heal over the time. but other then that shes okay but if she doesnt wake up in the 3 weeks, we have to let her go, sorry" the doc said. this is not good

"okay thank you when can we see her" i asked thinking of the others

"well if u come back tomorrow u will be able to see her" i nodded then went back to the others,

"c,mon u lot, lets head back" i spoke and walked out to the car

"why cant we see her, whats wrong with her, is she gonna make it,?" jennifer asked god she does ask alot of questions.

"we can see her tomorrow. and they said shes fine" i said i cant tell them that she might not make it through even thou i think they already know that.

i pulled up to the drive way and got out and into the house where everyone is. her mum said that shell come see her when she gets back from the hoilday vac.

"how is she" joey asked.

i sighed them took them to the private area.

"shes in a coma, she may not make it through, 3 weeks till she has to wake up or they let her go.." i said then they all had worried faces.

"its all my fault , if i didnt ask her out then go get a girl, this would of never happened" jordi said

"dont worry bout it she will wake up. anyway wheres charlie"

"hes up in lauras room hes really upset." ollie said, i nooded

"just give him time alone"

charlies pov.

i heard it all,  they thought i was in lauras room which i was but i sneeked down to see if any news came in bout her.


she might not even make it through JUST 3 WEEKS AND SHE COULD BE GONE FOREVER, I CANT LET THAT HAPPEN, SHE MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME. i went back up to her room and layed on her bed..

i went on twitter.

@barsandmelody: hope laura is gonna make it @its_laura xx

(a/n i cant remember if laura has already got a twitter name well cant remember if i put it down so that is her name for the book okay and no its not her actaul name on twitter but sorry if its any 1s elses)

just then i saw the worlds most trends and 1 of them was #hopelauramakesit<3 aww them fans are so sweet.and dedicated i love it.

i came off and drifted of into a deep sleep.

i cant go anywhere..til shes okay

(a/n hey guys hey. lol so here it is the chapter u have all been waiting for aha,, enjoy my beautiful people more coming xx vote and comment xx

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