swapping numbers (filler)

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Lauras pov

I woke up forgetting we were still on the plane. I looked around and noticed I was the only one awake. But needed to pee.

I slowly but gently got up. Carefully not waking up Charlie.

And made my way to the toilet.

When I came out I accidentally bumped into someone. Instead of me falling they catched me. I looked up and it was this cute boy.

"omg IM sorry are u okay" he asked

"Yh I'm fine no worries"

"Blake" he went to shook my hand

"Laura" we both shook hands and it came abit awkward.

"I must get back to my boyfriend sorry it was nice meeting you." I said to casually

"Yh me to but my girlfriend. Um here's my number so we can keep in touch " he said handing me his phone

Instead I put my number in and saved his onto my phone.

I then went back to Charlie.

I don't know. There's something about him but can't put my finger on it...but he was cute doe.....

A/n  ohhhhh what is she thinking... #teamblake

Which do u perfer

I want at least 2 comments for the next chapter kay Xxx and pic on side is blake x

Thank u my lollies Xxx

-larlie and blaura xxxx

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