Chapter 3- bullys

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Jennifer's POV

I hate living in Southampton it's boring and the ppl are nasty I wish I could live in America.

I'm at home with my sisters and brothers. I have 1 sister and 3 brothers. They are so annoying but my little sister I love.

I was really bored in my room. I thought I am going to go on my kindle. I picked it up and went on watt pad when I checked my messages I had 3 2 from some one I don't know and 1 from Laura

From Charlie's_princess

Hey how's it going cuz aha. Xx

From deadlygirl3

OMG ur ew aha I don't no why u like bam if they saw you they would run a mile. Ahah

From 666devil

Ur a totall freak no one likes u

Why do I gt bullied for. It's not fair Ignored all of them and cried my self to sleep.

Charlie's POV

Today has been tiring. We had 5 meet and greets all in 3 hours.

It's Friday so we have the weekend to what ever we want to do. I was thinking maybe me and Leondre could go to the beech tomorrow idk it's something to do.

Leondre was now on his phone probably on twitter.

"Hey Leondre wanna go to the beach tomorrow as we have got the weekend of. " I asked him

"Yh okay "

Laura's POV

I've been on watt pad for 2 hours and Jennifer still hasn't replied back. She's normally back on watt pad by now.

I decided to go on her account on watt pad to see if anythings on there.

I logged out of mine and logged into hers it's good that I know her password ahah

I went into messages and what I saw made my blood boil.

Them FREKING bullies I had enough of them always making my lil cousin cry and upset.

I logged out of hers and logged back into mine.
Maybe if I take her out somewhere it will take her mind off things. Now let's see we could go to Thorpe park,the park,town,beach,funfa-wait the beach yhhh she loves the beach.

To leondres_princess (sorry if it's anyone's name)

Hey u wanna go to the beach tomorrow. It will take ur mind of things:) xx

Some mins later she replied

From leondres_princess

Yh okayx

So it's settled me and her is going to the beach tomorrow :)

A/n soo sorry it's short longer next time xxxxxnn and Charlie's_princess is a real name so go check out the books they r really good xx

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