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I couldn't last any longer I had to see her, but I couldn't go alone, we did our last stuff so we can go but the rest has to come to,. So that's what we did


Why, that's what's going round in my head is just why. Why would they come.why are they here now just why.

We all stood there speechless for about 3 minutes

"Why" I whispered

Didn't think they heard

"WHY " I shouted

"We missed you Laura, I missed you" charlie explained

"WELL ITS TO LATE FOR THAT OKAY IM SORRY BUT IM NOT COMING BACK SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND STAY OUT OF MY LIFE" I shouted and ran out of the door. I ran and ran it was pitch black so I dint no where I was going, I kept on running, but then suddenly felt something hit the side of me, I then fell onto the ground landing real hard, then from that moment everything went black.....

A/n mwhahahahahahaha I feel so evil lol anyway enjoy this cliffhanger love u millions my little chicks 🐥 PLS leave a comment and vote, just so I know ur here reading this with me xxxxxx and so so sorry it's short next will be longer

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