planes again.

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Leondres pov

I know IM awake but I don't want to open My eyes aha but then we've got a plane to catch

I shot up opening my tired eyes.

I looked around then got changed. I then  ran downstairs.but checking the time first 5:00 AM WHAT THE HELL. WHY AM I UP SO EARLY OMG. Oh well. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a Jar of nutella with 2 spoons. I know it's not even Mt house but I don't care Laura loves meh.aha.

I then ran back up stairs and into jennifers room. I set out a  table cloth over a little table then put the jar of nutella with the spoons on the table. I shook Jennifer and just like that she woke up.

"morning princess" I whispered


"I bought breakfast "



"I love you"

"I love u to "

Then we both Started to digg in.

Lauras pov

I woke  looking at my phone but sqwinted  my eyes. Adjusting to the light from the phone. 7:05am

Wonder what time the plane leaves.

I should probably ask Charlie.

I lightly shook him. Then on the third shook he finally woke up.

Once he noticed it was Me. He takled he down stealing a kiss. Which I gladly returned.

I pulled away with him groaning

I laughed then asked him what I was gonna ask him before he kissed me.

"so what time is we leaving for de plane" I asked

"uh 10:45"


I got up changing into my outfit (outfit on side) I then brushed my hair and decided on a scruff bun.

I forgot Charlie was in here but he was getting changed to.

After we got changed we met everyone downstairs.

We then ate breacky and finished up.

"so it's 9:15 what shall we do" I asked.

The overload boys wernt even here yet. Yh they went to a hotel Coz well not enough room.


Leo shouted..

Harvey however were already here.

We then packed our bags into the mini bus and all piled in. Wait who's driving u may wonder well that would be Blair as he stayed.

I sat next to Charlie obviously.

We then drove to their hotel.

Bout 30 minutes later we arrived.

Blair went in and got the boys while we stayed in the mini bus waiting.

After what seemed like forever they finally came.

"come on hurry up u girls " I shouted out. They just gave glares aha.

Once they were in we drive off to the airport.

"plane AN2097 please bored now" the flight thingy said.

We walked over to our plane and took our seats.

Then when we were all sat down. Blair came over to us.

"okay so after we get off the plane we will be in aussie so Charlie & Leo u got some things to do and Harvey u just got a photoshoot. Then the rest of the tour u will be living in a big tour bus. U will get some days of okay" we all nodded.

And then the plane began. I must if fell asleep on Charlie Coz the left thing I heard was 'night beautiful'

I then drifted in a deep sleep.

A/n The only thing I can say is how sorry I am. Honestly I love u all and IM Hardley updating IM so sorry I hasn't forgot. It's just I've had a busy month. With school and home. IM so sorry. But other then that thank u for staying with me. And voting. Welcome new readers if there is any.

Plus I feel like I need a name for u all my lovely readers/fans

What bout lollies or bamers. Lol I don't know. What do u think.

If u have any ideas just comment I'll have a look ok. Aha.
Well I'm so sorry again.
I don't want to end this book but I know it's coming to that.
Not yet thou aha.

Bye for now. Love u all my _____ (u choose)

Oh and 1 more thing my sign off will now be larlie Coz well it's a good ship name okay.xxxxx <3

- larlie x <3

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