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Laura's POV


Sorry if ur wondering what's going on here's the flash back..


In my room as normal on my phone.

But got a new message.

From charlie

Hey meet me at Leo's in an hour xx


I got up and changed into my jean shorts and tank top I slipped on my trainers then brushed my hair leaving it down. I grabbed my phone and walked all the way to Leo's......just joking lol aha

I got a bus coz I'm lazy..

When I arrived at Leo's. I stepped up to the door and knocked lightly,

Just then LEO opened it with a big smile on his face..

Okay then....

"Hey Laura, come on in" he said. I walked through and into the living room to see Jennifer,and charlie.

"Hey Laura" charlie said

I smiled then waved to them

"What's going on" I asked totallys confused.

"Well me and Leo have some really amazing news and totally unexpecting thing to show u too" charlie said

Me and Jennifer gave them the carry on look.

"Soo we are inviting u to come along with us on..." Leo said

"ON TOUR" charlie carried on


I just stood there frozen not knowing what to do or say and I think Jennifer was 2.

"But it's not just us" they both said

"BOYS " they shouted

What is going on-OMFG OMFG

just then 6 boys came out and omg it's it's them ahhhahahahhhhh

There stood, overload and Harvey, OMG

" OMFG NO WAY " I screamed but fangirled

"Hey " all of them said to me and Jennifer.

This has to be a dram omg

After I calmed down and took it all in I spoke up.

"So when we going"

"Uh yh that's the thing u 2 have to pack when u go back home tonight coz our plane leave tomorrow morning at 8:am so get packing girls" charlie said

"BUT. It's gonna be worth it coz we will have so much fun" jordi said.

But then it hit me. What about the fans, they will hate on us what about if we get left behind just what if.. I started to panic then ran out and went back home..

Charlies POV:

She just left just like that...what's wrong with her I wonder I mean c,mon she's gonna be coming on tour with bars and melody , overload and Harvey not forgetting her cousin too, what could the problem be.....

I ran out after her but she's not in sight.. I then took a bus all the way to hers..

I knocked on the door and she stood there with worry eyes.

"What's wrongs laurs" I asked

"Nothing "

"I no when ur lieing "

" fine I'm worried okay"

"About what"

"Everything I mean I'm worried bout the hate the fans will give us and I'm worried bout if we get left behind"

"Laura, none of them things will happen. The fans will love u and u won't be left behind ur be stuck to me like glue, I promise"

"Promise promise"

"Promise promise"

She then gave me a tight hug and I gladly returned it.


I really like Laura and she will be mine, that's my mission.

My mission is to get Laura to be mine..and only mine............

A/n ohhhhh who's that I wonder can any of u guess,, aha, vote and comment people xxxx

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