Chapter 4-the beach and BAM

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Laura's POV

"Be hopeful yes I am hopeful for today -"

I woke up by the sound of my phone going off. I stopped it and got up. Today
Is the day that we go to the beach to cheer Jennifer up.

I got changed into my all in 1 bikini and put some jean shorts and a tank top over it. I slipped on my sandals and brushed my hair but left it down.

I applied some light makeup. That was mascara, eyeshadow, blusher,lipgloss.

I then packed some food into my bag and grabbed my phone and went downstairs

Jennifer's POV

I woke up buy the sound of my brother kaiden screaming in my ear. I woke up and got changed into my bikini and through a dress over the top. I brushed my hair and left it down, I then applied my light make up and got my sandals on. I'm meeting Laura half way. I said bye to my mum and went off to meet Laura.

Laura's POV

I said bye and went to meet Jennifer. It's only 8:am so the beach won't be packed.

I walked down the road and saw Jennifer. With her dress on. She looked beautiful I don't no what the bully's problem is.

"Hey u ready" I asked her

"Yh "

We both then walked to the beach.


We both sat on the sand with our towels. Jennifer had been sitting there since we came she's not enjoying her self.

"Hey why don't I go get a ice cream " I offered


I then grabbed my phone and walked off to the ice cream shop is lucky the ice cream shop is near the beach so I don't have. To far to walk.

I then deceied to log on facebook

I had 1 message 2 notifications

From :) nevaeh

Hey girl wats up :) xx

The 2 notifications were bloody game request,

I was bout to go on twitter to see what bam were doing but I bumped into someone. I looked up to say say sorry.

"I'm so sorry"
"It's okay "

"Ur BAM ant u"
"Yh we cam to the beach to chill aha" said Leondre
"Same well me and my cousin came here to but I brang her to take her mind of the bu-uh nothing never mind" I quickly said
I no that Leondre used to get bullied so I don't want to say anything,l
"Uh okay" well this is charlie that's to attached to his phone to even bother to look up"

He then nudged him and charlie looked up and omg it's love at first sight he's perfect.

"Uh hi I'm charlie "
"I'm Laura " we both smiled and

"Well it was nice meeting u to but I must get back to my cousin" I Sid then walked away but got called back

"Wait um can we come with u " Leo asked

I nodded then went to walk back to Jennifer but with no ice creams oops.

I went up to her and told the boys to hide behind her,

"Hey Jennifer u okay"
"Yh guess"
"Well 2 guys want to meet u"
I the gave the cue to the boys to come out
"OMG ur bars and melody"

"Hey I'm Leondre and this is charlie "
"I'm Jennifer "

Charlie's POV

Laura is well pretty. I guess Leondre feels the same way to Jennifer coz he keeps on staring at her,

Leondres POV

OMG Jennifer is georgous , but she looks upset at the Moment.

Jennifer's POV

After bars and melody came out I could scream. OMG Leondre is perfect

Laura's POV

After talking and seemed like forever me and Jennifer had to go back.

"Well boys it's been nice hanging out with u but me and Jennifer has to get back home b4 our mums kill us"

"Wait can we have ur number"
We exchanged numbers then went off. Home.

A/n sorry if I didn't tell Jennifer had a phone but she has one

BARS AND MELODY FANFIC (Book 1-the Beginning)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu