pranking overload

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Charlies pov

I woke up feeling some one beside me.I looked to see who it WAs and sighed in was only Laura. She looked so beautiful. I'm glad she's mine I feel so lucky.

Just then I got a buzz from my phone.I picked it up and it was a message from Blair.

From:Blair: can u and leondre be ready in 10 minutes.picking you up thank you.

okay now i was confused.

i got up gently being careful not to wake laura up. i got out of bed and made my way to where leondre was sleeping, but first i went to the kitchen and got a jar of nutella knowing he will only wake up for that.

i rushed upstairs and into the room where leondre was. i walked over to him slowly and shook him, he didnt respond, i opened the jar of nutella and put it close to his nose so he can smell it. in just 3 secounds he shot up.

i quickly put the nutella behind my back so he couldnt see but that didnt work very well.

"where the nutella at" he asked

"havnt got any, wait did u dream about nutella again my god leo" i said trying to not to laugh.

"oh really" he said then got up out of bed and walked closer to me. i stepped back but he stoped and stood in front of me giving me the 'i dont belive u look' he the looked down at my hand and smirked knowing it was behind my back. shit..

he then tackled me down and got the nutella. he sat on his bed eating it, want to know how well hes using his fingers gross.

"thats disgusting leondre devries" i told him, he pocked his tounge out at me and began eating it again.

"anyway we gotta get ready,blair texted me saying that be ready in 10 mins he gonna pick us up" i told him walking out of the room.

i then went to shower and changed into my jeans and top. i brushed my hair,styling it. i then dipped my feet in my shoes and tied up the laces. i went downstairs and saw blair already there (aha that rymed lol) "come on hurry up leo is already in the car." he said then rushed me out.

but i grabbed my jacket.

what will jennifer , laura and jess do. once we were in the car i spoke to blair.

"what will the girls do they gonna be so bored"

"ohh yh over load gonna keep em company. while we have work to do"

"work?" i asked confuesd

"yes we have got 2 interviews, 4 photo shoots and got to record shining star now hush"

okay fine..

i texted laura saying that overload will be there.

lauras pov

i woke up with the sunlight in my eyes.(a/n aha i woke up in the morning with the sunlight in my eyes...okay ill shut up) i got up noticed charlie wasnt beside me. i picked up my phone and saw i had 2 messages.

from charlie:hey the boys (overload ) will be there in a bit me and leo had to go out xxx ly xx

to charlie: okay ly 2 xxx

from ryan: hey we will be there in 4 hours lol just kidding but 20 minutes okay x

to ryan:okayx

i sighed then got out of bed, and showered, got changed into my high wasted skirt and a pink long sleeved crop top. i brushed my hair and put it in a side platt. i did some natural light make up and i went downstairs seeing jennifer and jess awake.

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