new friends and problems

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LIKE HOW AND WHAT DO I SAY TO THAT...if u dont know jordi asked me out and he is still  here waiting for an answer..

i do like jordi but i also have a thing for charlie. omg this is hard.

"i need to think about it" i said that then grabbed my phone and went outside taking a walk. i need to clear my head.

if i say yes then charlie will get angry and jealous but if i say no then jordi will get heart broken and i dont want that. i carried on walking but stopped at the sight of a beautiful beach ive ever seen. i went over and sat on the warm sand, theres not much people here only a few. but still. i pulled out my phone and discovered i had 3 new messgaes all from jordi.

from jordi: hey u okay x

from jordi: look its okay if u say no..x

from jordi:ill just leave u to think..x


i decied to take a selfie with the beach. i then posted it on twitter.

@lauraisme: beaches can be peaceful to

i put my phone back and layed down on the sand closing my eyes satrting to think


its been 3 hours and laura ant even here, where could she be, i hope shes okay, i logged onto twitter and saw a recent post that laura tweeted. it was her at the beach, i must go and see if shes okay.

i grabbed my hoodie incase any fans were there and my phone then walked out and headed for the nearest beach.

when i arrived at the nearest beach it was so beautiful i think i might have stopped and stood there for about 10 minutes staring.

i looked around to see if i could spot her then i did. hah so easy. i walked up tto her and tapped her shoulder.

she then shot up startled

"hey" i spoke up


"so why are u here alone"

"needed to think"

"bout what"


i nodded then "tell me"

"dont think thats a good idea" she said

"why, c,mon just tell me"

"finne but u promise u wont get angry"

"i promise.."

"fine, well jordi asked me out--"

i cut her off


"no wait let me explain"

"NO JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME FOR GOOD.." i said then ran all the way home.


why does it always happen to me. he didnt hear the whole story. fine if he wants me to stay away i will for good.

it was getting dark and i hated walking home alone. so i texted leo see if he will, he cant make it then i texted harvey, i felt i havnt really spoke to him recently.

" hey " harvey appeared

"hii harvey thanks for walking with me back home"

"its okay"

as we was walking we suddenly bumped into a girl. i couldnt really tell what she looked like.

"i am so sorry" she said

"its okay"

she then walked off but i called her back

"whats your name?"

"uh jess "

"hi jess im laura and this is harvey, hes like a bro to me"


"uh h-hi" harvey stuttered


"have you got anywhere to stay "

"uh no not really"

"would u want to stay with us"

she smiled then agreed. we all walked home, with harvey staring at her in love and she keeps on blushing aww i so ship hess..

when we arrived we all got in and got bombarded with questions from joey,blair and ollie

"GUYSSSS" i shouteed causing them to shut up

"thank you, now this is jess and shes got no where to stay so shes staying here okay" i spoke

"okay but where is she gonna stay?" blair asked

"well theres an extra pull out bed in my room so she can stay there" i said

he then nodded. "r u sure laura" jess said

"u r now my best friend okay so yh i am sure and u will love my cousin to shes funny we will all get along good dont worry" i said rto her.

we both went upstairs and into my room, jennifer was still not here omg.

" so wheres ur cousin" jess said

"shes not here i think shes gone out with leondre"

"u mean the leondre devries" she said


"omg sorry i just love him so much" we both giggled then agreed to go to sleep we both had a adventure day.

a/n hey guys how u all doin hey.. okay well sorry for not updating, but heres the chapter lol..

and who do u ship

larlie or lordi ???????????/////

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