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charlies pov

3 weeks, its gone just like that,. she hasnt even woken up yet shes got 2 hours to wake up or they let her go.

what if she dont wake up, what if its to late. what if she dies.


i wont be able to live with my self knowing shes gone.

in the 3 weeks, ive spent up in lauras room, they had to cancel the tour, we gonna carry it on soon thou. but i the 3 weeks, everybody has been down. ive ignored everybody and stayed in her room. leo tries to give me food but i only eat so much. the fans has been really supportive, they hashtag things like #weloveulaura #hopelauramakesit #staystrongcharlie i love them all.

but yh just 2 hours left not even that now.

i really hope she wakes up soon.

i decided to go out and downstairs where everyone was/

"hey u okay" leo asked i just nodded i can feel i have red puffy eyes where ive been crying.

i got a glass of juice and drank it.

"we r gonna go up to the hospital later like we have done, u wanna come" joey asked

"whats the point she might not makje it all thanks to me" i said then went back upstairs

leondres pov

i feel bad for charlie, he thinks its all his fault. we all dont know if shes gonna wake up but we pray for the best. we have been going up the hospital everyay to see if theres any news but sadly theres not.

so in a bit. we gonna go up. just 1 hour and 39 minutes till they let her go...

cant do this.

baileys pov (ohhh dint see that coming did u lol :p)

its been 4 weeks and she hasnt spoke. i decided tio go over to hers to see if shes okay..

i got in the car and drove the way to hers.

i stepped out and knocked on the door. just then.,

a boy with hair looking like harry styles xcame out,

"is laura here im her bofriend" i asked

he then went all pale. whats going on.

" i think u should come in " he then said

i  gave him a confused look but stepped in and into the living room where loads of people were.

"whats going on" i asked

"who r u" a man said that looks like hes in his 20/30s

"im bailey mcconnell,lauras boyfriend" i said then everyone froze

"laura is in a coma and she might not make it , sorry" boy said

i froze...coma,,,...when did that happen

"she got ran over" an girl said

i nodded.

"who r u lot"

"oh yh sorry. im jennifer, this is jess aka harveys girlfriend-"

"not yet were not.." think harvey said

"anyway thats ryan,ollie,jordi,joey and andy, thats leondre, and thats blair." jennifer said

"okay well i must be going, update me with any news please" they all nodded i then drove back home.

BARS AND MELODY FANFIC (Book 1-the Beginning)Where stories live. Discover now