Jelousy and hotels

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Laura's POV

OMG that was the longest 4 hours of my life this tour is gonna be so long...

Anyway we just got off the plane and headed to get our stuff. We all agreed to go to subway to get a bite to eat but then I got pulled aside by ....charlie

"What' was that for" I asked him at this moment every one was already in subway

"Is there a thing going on between u and jordi" he asked sternly

"No but if there was why would u care?"

"Just looking out for u"

"U sure or ar u just jealous"

I then walked inside and got some lunch, we all sat down at the table,

"So we need to talk bout hotel rooms" Blair spoke up

"Well me and Jennifer is sharing one" I said

"Okay well there's 2 beds in the rooms so,pick who u. wanna be with"

After bout 10 mins of arguing who's going in what room they finally made a decision, it was me and Jennifer,joey and ollie,charlie and Leo,jordi and andy then ryan and harvey, and Blair was on his own lol unlucky..


After our lunch we got a cab ride to our hotels. We went into out rooms then unpacked.

"So u and LEO going out" I asked Jennifer while we was unpacking.

"What noooo" she said but in a high voice see I know when she's lieing

"Really ur lying"

"Okay fine , he asked me out when they said bout the tour" she finally admitted

"But what about u and charlie"

"I don't know, but he's getting bit jealous me hanging out with jordi"

"Nooo Laura I ship larlie but jaura or lordi" we both started laughing but there was a knock on the door..

I went to open it and it was ......MINIONS AHA JUST kidding it was LEO..

"Hey leo what u want " I asked him

" well is Jennifer there"

I know where he's going with this..

"Yh I'll leave u too alone" I said then grabbed my phone and went to the lounge see the hotel is one big house thing but got lots of different rooms well bedrooms. So we all share everything basically.

I sat down and went on. Twitter.nothing really intresting.

I decided to tweet.

@lauraisme: just got in the hotel room, bored :( xxx

See I've gained over 3k follower because harvey,overload,bam,Blair,and Demi lovato follows me.

But they love me really aha

"Hey" jordi said

"Oh hey"

"What u up to"


"We should do a selfie and put it as our profile pics lol"

"Yhh okay"

We both got closer and posed while he took the picture first then I did.

I then put it as my profile pic. But I tweeted it first lol.

@lauraisme: selfie with the jordixx @overloadmusic

Just then I got loads of retweets and comments. Wow

I scrolled through some but 1 caught me eye

@overload_or_me: omg I so ship lordi xx

Ohh noo

Charlies POV

I was in my room alone BCOZ Leo went out. I scrolled through twiiter but noticed laura put a recent one was a picture of her and jordi great...I think I was bit jealous of her and jordi....

I then tweeted

@barsandmelody: hey my beautiful princessxxx-charlie

I got loads of retweets and favs

Laura's POV

Me and jordi sat there for ages on twitter and laughing. Until he asked me something..

"Hey Laura I really like u I have since first saw u. Will u be my girlfriend" jordi asked


A/n hey lovelys how u doing xx so who do u ship larlie or lordi COMMENT PLZZ WHO U SHIP....xxxx

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