Chapter twenty nine: The Investigation (Part one)

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Suga's pov

We all sat down and tried to finished the movie. This chick Ty is gettin on my nerves about shoppin and goin out. She sounds like a gold digger. I see her eyeballing the guys too, and I'm not finna have it. A soon as I get a drama free day she want to pop up with all that whining like a damn baby.

Mo's pov

Damn brah somebody shut this chick up. Like really brah is that called for?

Ty: "Can we go to the mall?"

August: "Maybe later."

Ty: "Can we go on a date tonight?"

August: "I'll think about it."

Ty: "Ok."

I think she only with him for the money. I don't like that. Meg on the other hand really shows that she loves my brother. Me and her have a lot in common as far as I can tell. She treats him like I treat Prince. I saw us kiss their cheek at the same time. She saw it too cuz we looked at each other and laughed a little. I need to talk to her. You kno to make sure it's the real her and that she's not just actin like that in front of him. I put on my gorgeous smile.

Mo: "Hey Meg?"

Meg: "Yeah?"

Mo: "Can we talk for a few minutes?"

Meg: "Sure. I don't mind."

Mo&Meg: "I'll be back baby."

I kissed Prince's lips and she kissed Tyga's lips. We both smiled. You see what I mean. Great minds think alike. Anyway we went to my room and as I was walkin up the stairs I saw Suga look in my direction. We had a lil mind communication and I went to my room to talk to Meg.

Meg: "So wassup?"

Mo: "I really want to get to kno you."

Meg: "What you wanna kno? I have no secrets."

I like her already.

Mo: "How do you really feel about my brother?"

Meg: "Honestly, I love him. He so sweet and caring. He treats me like a princess."

Mo: "So you don't just want him for the money?"

Meg: "No I mean the money's a plus but I want him for him you kno."

Mo: "So if he was broke would you still date him."

Meg: "Of course I would."

I smile at her.

Mo: "I like you Meg. Treat my brother right ok."

Meg: "Will do. Just between me and you I don't like that Ty chick. She's too whinny for my taste."

Mo: "She like a gold digger if you ask me."

Meg: "I was thinkin the same thing she only want August money."

Mo: "I really like you. You're gonna be the best sister ever."

Meg: "Thanks."

We both got up and hugged each other. We went back downstairs. I sat on Prince's lap and she sat next to Tyga. Suga looked at me and I smiled lettin her know that Megan was cool. Now we just need to get to know Ty. There is somethin up with that girl, and I don't like it. Prince wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

Tyga: "Watch it over there Princeton."

Prince: "What I do?"

Tyga: "I see you don't play stupid."

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