Chapter Fourty Two: She Devil

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Meg's pov

So earlier all the girls woke up with a terrible hang over. So we all hung out in Ray's and Jas's room. We ate junk watched movies and feel asleep. Most of us was on the floor. Anyway I heard a knock at the door and woke up. I shook Tyga and he woke up too.

Tyga: "What babe?"

Meg: "Somebody at the door."

Tyga: "Well answer it."

Meg: "This ain't my room."

Tyga: "Hell mine either."

He through a pillow at Ray an he jump up.

Ray: "What nigga!"

Tyga: "Answer the door."

Ray: "Ima beat yo ass wakin me up when you can answer the damn door yah self."

Tyga: "This ain't my room tho brah."

Ray: "I don't give a rat ass who room it is. I was sleep."

They knocked again. Ray got out the bed and answered the door. My face dropped when I seen who it was. How the hell did that she devil know where we was stayin? Ray looked her up and down and tried to slam the door but she stopped it with her foot.

Ray: "Why the fuck you in my room?"

??: "Lookin for August."

Ray: "He sleep come back never."

??: "Stop being so mean Ray Ray."

Ray: "Whatever. Yo August wake up! Yo ex bitch Ty want you!"

That woke everybody up. Mo was in rage. She hate when people wake her up and to find out they wakin her up for Ty, she might just kill somebody. Lets pray it's not me.

Mo: "Ray shut the damn door. Don't nobody want to talk to her."

Ty: "Well hello to you to slut."

Mo: "Look here you gold digging son of bit...."

Prince put his hand over her mouth cutting her off. We all knew that wasn't finna end nice anyway. August rose up off the floor and looked at Ty with a death glare. If looks could kill.

August: "What the fuck you want and how the hell did you know where I was?"

Ty: "You have an iPhone and you're one of my contacts it not hard."

August: "What do you want!?"

Ty: "Another chance. I want do nothing stupid I promise."

Mo: "You just did by comin up here. He don't want you."

Ty: "Look here five dollar hoe wasn't nobody talkin to you."

Mo: "Hahaha Esta perra me acaba de llamar una azada de cinco dólares. ¿No es ella la que acaba de ser objeto de dumping por ser un buscador de oro.?Hahaha"

Prince Meg&Jas: "Yes she did."

Mo said and I quote 'This bitch just called me a five dollar hoe. Ain't she the one that just got jumped for being a gold digger'. Which in my case is the reason she laughin so hard right now. I looked at Mo and she gave me a look that said 'this bitch is dead'.

Ty: "What the fuck is so funny?"

Mo: "You are you gold digging bitch."

Ty: "You want try me jump stupid."

Mo: "I been waiting on this."

Mo walked up to Ty and Ty pushed her. Mo didn't budge. This bitch got balance. Instead she tackled Ty into the hall and was beating the shit out of her face. Blood was everywhere. August Tyga and Prince had to pull Mo off her. Ty was crying when Mo got finish with her. Mo was still screaming at her tho.

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