Part one- Morning memories

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*alarm clock rings*

what time is it?i asked myself,i was confused and grumpy, i was rudely awoken from my dream by my super loud and annoying alarm clock just as it was getting to the good part.Ultimate mood kill,what a great way to start the day,grumpy and tired. I rolled over and hit the snooze button on my alarm clock when i saw the numbers seven thirty,too early to function i thought to myself. I tried to get an extra 5 minutes sleep but i just couldnt fall back into the comfort that is sleep so i grabbed the cover and flung it to the other side of my bed.

i flung my leg of of the bed and let it hit the floor,after that the rest of my body kind of just went with the flow and before i knew it i was sat on the floor proped up against my bed. i grabbed my phone and started checking through my twitter feed when my mom walked in with a bowl of lucky charms and a glass of apple juice,she knows me so well.

"Ella what are you doing?shouldnt you be getting ready for school right about now?" she asked as she put the food on my desk

. "I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor,sorry for my bad co-ordination." I replied with a fiery undertone to my voice.

"No need for the attitude young lady." she replied.

"sorry i guess im just nervous you know,new school,new people to meet,more people to judge me." i answered with a sigh."

"no one will judge you sweetie,your beautiful and lovely,just be yourself and you'll have friends in no time,look i know the divorce has been hard and i know it will take time to settle in but its going to be a fresh start,a new life for the both of us,thats what we came to canada to get,it will be good for the both of us,i promise." she explained.

She was right,it was going to be hard at first to settle into our new life but i believed it was for the best my parents divorced,they said they didn't feel a connection anymore,like the spark had burnt out. The hardest part was he ignored me,like he forgot about me.he told me he would always be there and he would always love me but the love dissapeared when he cut me out,my trust was shattered,from that day my trust issues and anxiety got worse.we havent spoke since he left and i became more shy than i had ever been before.

A tear came to my eye thinking about it all,i brushed my eyes and walked to the bathroom to shower.

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