Part twelve- Thankyou for caring

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After i spoke to hanna and we spoke about everything she convinced me I should go with my heart. She also mentioned Crawford liked me. I couldn't believe he liked me back,it was such a good feeling but everytime I felt happy about liking him I got a hit of worry as to weather anything will ever happen between me and Crawford,i just don't know if my mind would ever let me,id like to be with him but I still have trust issues and I don't know if the will ever be repaired enough for me to trust a boy like id need to trust them to be in a relationship with them.

I wanted to speak to crawford in person to tell him I was okay and to thank him for caring so much about me,i asked hanna for his number and I asked him to meet me at the local park. hanna offered to come with me but she remembered she had to go and pick up her little brother from his friends house and I kind of wanted it to be just the two of us.

I got to the park and just where we planed to meet was Crawford,he was soo cute it killed me.

"Hey" i acted like nothing had happened,well I tried to.

We went and sat on the swings.

"What happened earlier?i went to look for you and you were no where to be found." he replied,i could see the distress in his face.

"I don't know,i just freaked out,i just had to get out,see the things is-" I was about to tell Crawford how I felt when I stopped myself,my nerves got the best of me.

"What is it?im worried about you,please tell me. I don't know if you heard earlier but i like you okay,i really like you and I can't pretend like I don't because i do,i know we don't really know each other but it's okay,I need you to know I'm here for you because I care,you can tell me anything."

He pretty much just put his heart out on his sleeve,i have to tell him how I feel.

"I like you too,alot." I replied and smiled.

"Aw." he replied,i noticed his cheeks turn red as he looked to the ground.

"But I can't be with you,not yet anyways."

His happy smile quicky faded into a confused look.

"Why?" he asked.

"I-i- I'm broken." I replied.

"Oh,well I can help you,if you tell me what's wrong?"

A tear fell down my face thinking about everything that had happened before.

"Maybe another day okay?i don't feel like going over it again right now that's all. Anyways I came here to thankyou for caring so much about me and coming to look for me."

"When you feel like telling me I'll be here,ready to listen,whatever it is your going through i will help you through it,im going to fix you and show you even the most torn up rose can be fixed and be just as beautiful as before."

I wiped away my tears,stood up and looked at Crawford. He stood up too,pulled me close and held me,his hug lasted about 15 seconds and in that short period of time in felt my trust begin to repair,its like these walls I built up around my heart to protect it were finally falling down. Is it possible that I might be learning to fully trust again?

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