Part twenty- Moonlight

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It was 6 pm and I was starting to get ready for this date i guess you could call it Crawford was taking me on.

I wore a cute little checked dress with black tights,a baggy cardigan and adorable black ankle boots. I curled my hair roughly and wore light makeup.

Crawf picked me up and we seemed to have driven to the middle of nowhere.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It dosent matter where we are going its who your going there with that counts." he replied,his quote talk was the cutest thing ever.

It was about half past 8 and we were driving for about 2 hours.

I got out the car and looked at the landscape,we were on a huge hill/grass land. the views were stunning.

"And you've brought me here why?" I asked jokingly.

"Well I know you like the stars so what better to do for our first date than camp out under the stars."

He pulled out two blankets and two pillows. He put one blanket on the floor and placed the pillows on top.

We lay on top of the blanket watching the night sky in all it's beauty talking about everything and anything really.

I was getting pretty cold so Crawf put the second blanket over me and shuffled himself closer to me.i rolled slightly to my side to face crawford and we lay facing eachother.

I stroked through his hair softly whist he was talking to me.

We looked eachother in the eyes and leant in for the kiss,our very first kiss.

His lips touched mine and it was like every single firework in the world was going of all at once,sparks flew and it just felt right.

It was getting pretty dark and for some reason I was getting paranoid there was a bear in the woods,I had a fear of bears, I told crawford I was scared and what he did to comfort me was beyond cute.

Crawford moved as close to me as he could get,put his arm around me with the blanket on top of us,held me close and told me cute/funny story's until I fell asleep.

That night was perfect.

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