Part six- Confessions

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About 2 months had passed and life had been pretty good,me and hanna had become really good friends and my trust and anxiety had calmed down a lot but were still there. I guess I was even ready to call Hanna my bestfriend. Being friends with hanna brought a lot of good things,the 'populars' hardly ever even looked at me because of when hanna stood up for me back in September. I made a lot of friends through Hanna. Me and mom were settling in nicely but not everything was perfect. I still grieved over my dad,and I had still only talked to crawford like once but hey Christmas break was coming up and I couldn't wait.

One day after school me and hanna were hanging out at my house when she brought up the first day at school.

"Hey remember when you said I'll tell you another day?what were you going to tell me?"she asked.

I hesitated and looked to the ground as If it were going to give me the excuse I was looking for to get out of this situation. I looked at hanna and realised I can trust her now despite everything that's happened and despite my issues,she's never given me a reason not to. I looked to the ground once more and decided to tell her everything. I told her about my anxiety,trust issues,the divorce,everything and broke down in tears in the process.

She pulled me close and held me in her arms.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I was scared too." I replied wiping the tears off my face,it was nice to have such a supportive friend.

She calmed me down and went on to explain how she could have helped because she went through a similar thing with her mom.

I felt so relieved to have it all off my chest,it was like a weight off my shoulders and it was so nice to know I wasn't alone,that someone else went through something similar. for once in a long time I felt like I was understood.

"Oh and I've got something to tell you." she giggled.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I got a couple of my friends who are also good friends with crawford the guy you can't stop thinking about to tell him about you,good things obviously,i wanted him to know abit about you before you go and talk to him,i sill can't believe it's been 4 months and all you guys have done is smile at each other,how can you not have spoke to him yet? Anyways now he knows what a lovely and funny girl you are."

I stood and blushed,i couldn't help it,aw she was the best. I hasn't spoke to him properly yet because I was always to shy too.

"Now all you've got to do is talk to him,have a proper conversation with him and get to know him." she explained.

"I'll do it,but when I'm ready." I answered.

"And I'll be by your side every step of the way." hanna looked me in the eye and I could tell she meant every word.

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