Part three- Assembly

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I walked into the school and followed the sign on the door that read "all students to main hall". I didn't really know where I was going but I was too shy to ask for directions so I kind of just followed where everyone else was going and sure enough I found the hall. I tried to find a row of seats with the least people in and I found one right in the middle,perfect.

I sat down next to the wall and reached for my bag to get a drink when I heard someone sit next to me,a blonde haired girl sat next to me and smiled when she saw me looking at her.

"Hi,im Hanna,and you are?" she asked.

"I'm um el-l-a."

"Nice to meet you ella,you okay?you look scared."

"Yeah I get nervous really easy,im new." i replied.

"I was new last year,i didn't have the best start,i got picked on a lot for being new but I won't let that happen to you,ive got a reputation for being the girl no one messes with so stick with me you'll be fine." she smiled.

"Thankyou so much,i really appreciate it." I replied,it felt nice to have someone to stay with who understands what it's like to be new.

"No worries,i know how being the new kid sucks."

We had an hour long assembly and was all given timetables,luckily me and hanna were in all the same lessons. I felt a huge sense of relief.

When we were dismissed me and hanna stood up and started walking to class when I was stopped by a group of girls in the hallway.

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