Part twenty two- No

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I got home and went straight to my room,i didn't even say hello to my mom. I always say hello to my mom so she knew something was wrong.

I sat on my bed and cried into a pillow. Not of sadness but tears of anger and frustration.

Minutes later my mom walks in,sits next to me and rubs my back to comfort me.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's dad." I replied between.

"What's about him?" she asked sitting up straight.

"He called me on the way home but I told him I didn't want to speak to him and then he sent me a text saying he wants me to move back to London to live with him." I broke down in tears again shortly after,i don't know why it got to me so much.

My mom didn't even answer what I said,she just stood up and went to her room. After about 10 minutes I got up to check on her to see if she was okay.

"Mom,are you okay?" I asked.

"No,tell me one thing el,are you going to go?"

Seeing her like this broke my heart into a thousand pieces.

"Of course not,you've always been there for me,he hasn't. I'm not just going to drop my new life here in Canada on his command. No I'm staying here with the people who mean the most to me,thats final."

I stood up and gave my mom the biggest hug in the world and told her everything would be okay.

Later that evening I blocked his number so I wouldn't hear anything from him again,it was almost like an end to a dark chapter in my life,like my closure.

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