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During the 19th Century, the U.S. was divided among slave states in the South and free states in the North. A number of the founding fathers were slaveholders, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Franklin used to be until he became an abolitionist. Because of them never solving the issue of slavery, others did, and it caused the North and South to clash. There were slave states in the North, like in New York before they abandoned slavery in 1799. There is an article on Wikipedia that uses information from experts to explain more information on when northern states had slaves, and when they abolished it.

The first two political parties were the Federalists formed by Alexander Hamilton, and the Democratic-Republicans formed by Thomas Jefferson.

What the Martin Scorsese film called "Gangs of New York" shows is that during the Civil War, New York had plans for secession. Of course, I discovered from somewhere that the city itself had plans to secede from both the state and the U.S. to create the Free City of Tri-Insula.

The mid-1820's saw the dissolution of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties. Two new parties took their place. Former Democratic-Republicans like Andrew Jackson formed the Democrat party that still exists today, and he had help from people like Martin Van Bruen. John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay formed the National Republicans. In 1834, they, along with a number of Anti-Jackson groups, Anti-Masons, and other former Federalist party members formed the Whigs, who would disband sometime during the age of the Democrats' support for slavery. Pro-slavery Whigs joined the Democrats, and the anti-slavery Democrats left. They and the rest of the Whigs formed the Republican Party as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

The Democrats back in the day used to fight equal rights. Nowadays, I feel that the modern incarnation no longer does this. They are shown to support equal rights. Barack Hussein Obama II, the first African-American president, is a Democrat. Hilary Clinton, the incompletely trustworthy female politician, is a Democrat. Still, I long to wonder if the U.S. will get its first female president or its first LGBT president, and the political party they might be from.

Of course, these two political parties, the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, the founding fathers being slaveholders, the division into free states and slave states, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and many other events, including the nomination of Abraham Lincoln of the Republicans as president, would result in animosity growing, and the South attempting to break away, resulting in the American Civil War, known as the War of the States by people from the South.

After the Civil War, the designated states were run by Democrats who left two of the three branches of the Union government. Yet, there were Democrats still serving as judges in the Supreme Court. If any of you know the truth behind what happened in the aftermath in regards to the political parties, then please comment down below. Nonetheless, everything that has happened in the Civil War makes people wonder several things, which will be discussed in the next chapter.

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