American Empire(Part 5)

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The previous events involved the Great War losers going fascist. The C.S. was given Houston and Kentucky, but not Sequoyah. Wilhelm III is the new Kaiser and chooses against giving Alsace-Lorraine back to France. War breaks out. Jake Featherston created a plan to annex Ohio in an attempt to split the U.S. in half.


This planned invasion is called Operation Blackbeard. In August 1941, the Confederates invaded the United States, crossing the Ohio River, and into American territory. In the span of a week, they fought to Lake Erie. And the military presence that was there was entirely destroyed.

Featherston wasn't too smart. He planned that the Yankees would surrender when they saw such an act of military incursion. But, the new president, Al Smith, wasn't too keen on being friendly to the South. The Americans were ready for a fight. And this time, to end the Confederate issue once and for all. Featherston and the C.S.A. effectively signed their death sentence with the invasion of Ohio, and so, WWII began. The conflict would be even more devastating as the North and South fight for the fourth, and perhaps final time.

And THAT is where EmperorTigerstar comes in to finish off this series. I think he's been waiting to for a very, very long time. I could talk about this book all day, and there's plenty of smaller details I've left out. So, if you wanna read about how these events occur, I seriously recommend these books, spanning a century of alternate history.

So, what series do you want me to cover next? If any. Tell me in the comments. This is Cody, of AlternateHistoryHub.


So, after a hundred years of war, a fourth war between the states has occurred. It appears to be a mimic of our world's Second World War. Many factors of that war will be referenced in "Settling Accounts", and a number of them are abhorrent. There would be parallels in regards to our time. Yet, this YouTube series, being sponsored by Harry Turtledove's novel, could've been sponsored by Audible. It's something that Amazon created in regards to audiobooks narrated by well-known celebrities, and the books it has comes from every genre, including alternate history.

Still, this war will be covered by EmperorTigerstar in the next chapter. And it would mark an end to the C.S.A. The Southern Victory series lasts from 1862 to 1945, and Guns of the South might be considered the first most well-known novel by Harry Turtledove. He didn't just write alternate histories about the Civil War. He wrote alternate histories talking about all other aspects of the history we are a part of.

There is currently a wiki dedicated to Turtledove and lists all of the novels, and the events from those novels. Even giving characters and events separate articles. Though there is a lack of theatrical films based on the novels. Maybe, later on, we will get into the ideas, and if they are good ones or not. Still, I will see all of you in the next chapter.

Southern Victory(Cody and Tigerstar)Where stories live. Discover now