How Few Remain(Part 5)

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The previous chapter saw the Second Mexican War end with the C.S. and Europe being victorious, resulting in the Republicans splitting in three directions. Because of anti-British Irish immigration and German immigration, the U.S. creates ties with unified Germany. In the South, the two parties are the Conservative Whigs and the Radical Liberals. What I feel like bringing up was the C.S. planning to build a canal through Nicaragua during the 1890's, until they shelve it because of U.S. president Alfred Thayer Mahan threatening war. "How Few Remains" ends with the idea that the Great War might be different because of which Europeans the North and South are tying themselves to.


Now, this is just one book. Turtledove's Southern Victory series is quite long. FAR too much content to cover for say a 10-minute video, or, 20-minute video. So, that's why I'm splitting this into a few parts. So, how will I...


*shows up* Hey, Cody.


Hey! EmperorTigerstar! Look, this series is far too long to cover by just myself. So, how about let's do this? Split it into four parts. I cover part one and three. You cover part two and four.


I mean, that's quite a bit of work, and also, I only came over to ask you to stop-


Well, it's settled then! Fantastic! Part two will be on EmperorTigerstar channel, and then part three with mine in July, and so forth.




Do I have a say in t-


This is Cody, of AlternateHistoryHub.


I'll make this chapter have about 500 words by including the video's sponsor.


This video was brought to you by Squarespace. I'm sure you've heard that name before, but for good reason. Squarespace is a great service that simply lets you create your own website. Squarespace gives you the tools to easily build your own online presence. You can actually get these tools right now and save 10% by signing up using the special link in the description.

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I was able to fully invest in my site, and so far, it has come to look extremely professional. It has links to all of my social media accounts where you can stay up to date on anything AlternateHistoryHub, especially since I'm going to VidCon. This has been an important next move for my business, and using Squarespace has greatly reduced the time and stress of making my site.

Just start by saving 10% at The link is down in the description for you to start your own site. This is Cody, of AlternateHistoryHub.


A couple of days after the video, Tigerstar created his own video, covering the next three sequel books following "How Few Remain", and talking about a similar but alternate Great War. It is similar to the first, but still has its differences from the actual timeline. Tigerstar and I will be explaining more in the next chapter.

Southern Victory(Cody and Tigerstar)Where stories live. Discover now